I've been blogging about my involvement in The Big Knit, knitting mini hats to go on Innocent Smoothie bottles - when they are sold, the company donates 25p to Age Concern. The closing date is 15th October, with this in mind, I've been scouting around for other charities to get involved in crafting for. Here are what I found (and I've included overseas charities too). Please comment if you're going to get involved in one of these projects as I've got a little seed growing in my head about a blogland-wide charity push.
First up is Loving Hands, a fantastic charity campaign run by Lou. They are involved in a variety of charities (including some of these listed below) and take requests for charities. They have a regularly updated wish list of items needed, and seasonal charities where there's a drive for particular items. Sign up for this one and get knitting! (Knitting / crochet, UK)
Smile International are looking for donations of knitted or crocheted garments, e.g. jumpers, hats, gloves, socks, scarves, baby clothes/shawls and blankets. There are some free patterns to download to help with this. (Knitting / crochet, UK)
Cuddles is a charity which supports families dealing with the loss of their baby through miscarriage or stillbirth. They supply gowns, blankets and wraps to maternity units all over the UK. They particularly need donations of blankets, gowns and wraps but are also grateful for donations of clothes. There are some free patterns available along with guidelines of what to make. (Knitting / crochet / sewing, UK)
Bonnie Babies makes and sends tiny premature clothes, blankets and, sadly, burial outfits to special baby care units in the UK. They set a quarterly challenge of items that are particularly needed. Check out the website for more details. (Knitting / crochet / sewing, UK)
Algerian Action provides help for children and babies living in poverty in Algeria. The website has tons of information, Emily Waller runs the appeal and is looking for various items including children/baby clothes (either handmade or used), baby items, and squares to make blankets. She's got patterns and loads of links. Check out the "most wanted" page to find out how you can help most. (Knitting / crochet / sewing, International)
Stitches of Love and Kindness send quilts and cushions to children and adults with long term illnesses. This charity is based in both the UK and the USA so most of you can help. They are asking for cross stitched squares to be made up into quilts and cushions, help with finishing quilts, stitch cards to be sent with their gifts and donations of fabric, wadding and other supplies. Patterns are available. (Cross stitch / quilting / sewing, UK)
Teddies for Tragedies is a fantastic website which gives patterns and guidelines to knit or crochet teddies for children in many disaster areas or war zones around the world. If you can't knit or crochet, you can sew a teddy bag. Check out the website to find out where the teddies are needed as and when you finish them. (Knitting / crochet / sewing, International)
The Children's Society is asking people to get sponsered to knit little hearts. The hearts can then be made into magnets or brooches and sold to raise more money. A good one for the kids. (Knitting, UK)
Knit a Square is a South African charity looking for knitted squares to make into blankets for orphans throughout Africa. (Knitting / crochet, International)
Knit on the Net is selling a hand knitted poppy pattern for £2. All proceeds go to The Poppy Appeal and you can wear your knitted poppy with pride. (Knitting, UK)
The Wrap Up a Kiddie for Winter Appeal is asking for donations of fabric, wool, etc, or you can make cushions or quilts, scarves, hats, cardigans, mittens or stitched pictures. (Sewing / knitting / crochet / embroidery / cross stitch, International)
Angel Bear aims to send a teddy to every single child in need throughout the world. Help them out by knitting a bear. Full patterns on the website, including a crochet version. (Knitting / crochet, International)
The Donkey Sanctuary in Devon are looking for volunteers to knit donkeys that they can sell in their gift shop. (Knitting, UK)
Knitting for Charity is a website listing various charities which require knitted items in the USA and Canada - have a look and follow the links to see which charities you'd like to get involved with. (Knitting, USA, Canada)
Binky Patrol gives blanket to children in need and homeless children. There's plenty of information on the website and you can sew the blankets if you're not a knitter. (Knitting / sewing / crochet, USA)
Blankets 4 Canada takes donations of knitted, crocheted and quilted blankets for homeless Canadians. (Knitting / crocheting / sewing / quilting, Canada)
Soldier's Angels organises the Blanket For Hope campaign, asking you to make blankets for injured servicemen and women. (Sewing, USA)
Chemo Caps distributes knitted caps to cancer sufferers. This one is a very local campaign as they ask you to donate the caps to your local cancer ward - more information and patterns available on the website. (Knitting, USA, International)
Cubs for Kids provides teddy bears which generous volunteers then make hats, scarves and jumpers for. The knitting effort goes on throughout the year and in December the bears are dressed and given to homeless children for Christmas. (Knitting, USA)
Lion Brand Yarn has a database of charities which need items which you can search. They also provide patterns. (Knitting / crochet, International)
I know that the majority of these projects are knitting, but that's what I was searching for. I'd love it if you added to this list and posted it on your own blog. If I found there was enough interest, I could set up a Crafting for Charity blog to keep everyone updated.
Was still looking for your PIF post. I put a list of the charities I have crafted for on my facebook page. Will add more slowly. I contacted your Donkey Sanctuary. They very nicely sent me the pattern for their knit donkeys. Planning to make some for my future craft fair booth and will send them a donation eventually. I am finding it is hard not to give everything I make away.