
Sunday, 30 January 2011

Christmas Countdown - January Roundup

Another update!  I've also joined in with Christmas Through the Year over on Allie's blog.  I didn't get much at all done this month - just the one paltry present... must try harder next month.  But here he is (again), my frog prince as a present for a frog-loving friend:

I hope my friend wont make him lie on his side all the time like Blogger does!


  1. What a great frog prince! Have you tried kissing him yet? xx

  2. Hee hee, love your frog prince!

  3. Froggy is so cute! I like what Jacey said.... :)

  4. I love this frog! Your friend is very lucky.

  5. YAAAAAY I'm glad you're doing Allie's challenge - I'm doing it as well!

    I love your froggy prince - I think he's a very handsome DUDE! :)

  6. He is too darling, even if he has no sense of balance, lol....dumb Blogger....I think he's a wonderful gift, hon!

  7. He is a handsome frog.... very cute..

  8. Oh I love this frog prince!!! He is beautiful!


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