
Thursday, 24 February 2011

Hold on to your hats, another exciting blog post title - Glasses Case!

It really is so hard to think of interesting blog post titles!  90% of the time I just use the item that I'm showing you, but it's not really very exciting is it? 

So, no prizes for guessing what I'm blogging about today!

I wanted to make glasses cases as Christmas presents, particularly for my dad who has about 6 pairs and is forever losing them.  Scoring blogland, I came across Crafty Ady's blog on which she was showing her readers a glasses case she'd made.  A little bit of begging later (I have no shame nor dignity!) and she very kindly posted a tutorial!  It's a brilliant tutorial, really easy to follow and you can find it here.

The tutorial uses internal flex frames, which I think are brilliant for glasses cases, and the lovely Crafty Ady also pointed me in the direction of an online shop which sells really cheap flex frames (along with purse and bag making accessories galore).

I used some more of the Hushabye fat quarters of bargain fame (see Buttercup bag post if you want to know more) and the tutorial uses such a tiny amount of fabric, you could make loads just from a fat quarter. 

One problem I had was that the sleeve that the flex frame sits in is too short.  This is NOT Ady's fault, it was mine.  I read the seam allowance, saw it said 1/4 inch and translated that in my brain to 4/8 inch... 

(See my amazing gravity-defying spools in the background?).  I used the same fabric as the sleeve cover for the lining.  I'm really chuffed with it and will be making a whole loads more.  Most of my family and my husband's family are blind as bats so these will be coming out of my ears come Christmas.  I will, of course, use more masculine fabric for the men's cases! 


  1. That's really cute, and now I'm going to have to buy some flex frames for our next Tornado night, LOL!! You enabler you!!! ;)

  2. Wow that looks great - love the flex frames, so easy to just pop open. My family are all blind bats too. Good job! And yes, I love your gravity defying spools, lol!

  3. Woohoo!! Great glasses case! I'm so glad you found the tute easy to follow. Looking forward to seeing more lovely glasses cases from you. (PS. Are you planning on going to the Hobbycraft /Sewing for Pleasure show at the NEC in March? I'm taking the Friday off work to go.)

  4. Beautiful fabric!! Great job!


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