
Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Christmas Challenge Roundup - March

I'm joining in with Allie's Christmas Through the Year challenge again in a desperate bid to be ready for Christmas 2011.

This is what I've completed in March:

1) Yet another crochet washcloth

2) Oven gloves

3) Counting bean bags

4) Another crochet washcloth...

5) Another Buttercup bag

I didn't do as well as February, but it's not bad and brings my grand total up to 17! 


  1. You sure have accomplished a lot this month. Love those bean bags. Actually, I love everything you have done. Great job!

  2. My how busy you have been! I love that buttercup bag!

    ...and your bunnies are cute too!

    HUGS and thanks for dropping by my blog!

  3. You're doing a magnificent job, girlfriend - I love all of your goodies!

  4. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for leaving the tutorials. I will be sure to check them out.

  5. Wonderful crafting month you had there, Wendy!!! Looking forward to seeing your stuff in April. :D

  6. So how does someone get on your list, lol? These are just wonderful! You are going to be ready in June, I think!

  7. Wendy you are on a roll,well done

  8. What a lot of things finished. My favourite is the counting bean bags :)

  9. You are sure getting lots of lovely gifts done..

  10. Love everything you have done for March! Especially liking your "buttercup" bag! Is that a free pattern or can you direct me where to buy it?
    Carmen in AK

  11. Flippin' heck Wendy! You're so productive! The tute for the Japanese flowers is on
    Hope you enjoy them! Loads of love, Amanda xxx

  12. Crikey! You are getting loads of presents made. And such lovely ones too. Loving those beanbags especially.

  13. My goodness! That's a lot of finishes. Great job! You're not a type-A personality are you??? ;-)

  14. Wow~ You have gotten so much finished!!! I love the little counting bean bags, what a great idea!!!


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