
Saturday, 19 March 2011

oh the embarrassment...

You know when you're feeling really ill?  You give it a couple of days before calling the doctor?  Then you make an appointment and go to the surgery and suddenly, miraculously, your throat is no longer sore, your head no longer aches, your stomach feels fine, you're perfectly well?

I took my machine to the shop.  She plugged it in and sewed a row of perfect stitches.  She hadn't even changed any settings.  I said I didn't believe it so she sewed another row.  And another.  Perfect.  Every.  Bloody.  Sodding.  Stitch.

I left with my head hanging low.  At least I was too embarrassed to buy fabric.


  1. Well, at least you aren't facing a huge repair bill. Any thoughts about what was wrong? I once knocked the tension disc and it took me a week to get it back working properly...
    It would have bought fabric in celebration, just saying...

  2. Oh matey, I feel your pain.

  3. Been there done that - and my dealer was 3 hours away, in Canada. Boy did I feel dumb!

  4. lol. At least all ended well. Who knows what it was - guess machines can have their off days too.
    So pleased it was nothing major.

  5. I'm so glad your machine is OK - congratulations! It could have been some tiny little thing that got jiggled or jostled, and when you packed up the machine to take it to the shop, it got unjostled!

  6. Actually, the same plot happened to me today with my car at the dealer!! I was so annoyed - and thankful that it "magically" worked without having to pay.

  7. That is ALWAYS the case!! It is sooo annoying! The most important question is, does it still work at home???? I hope so!

  8. How frustrating! Hopefully it'll at least behave itself for a while for you now!

  9. Hopefully they didn't charge you.
    Next time just take her for a ride and see what happens... :-)... just kidding!


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