
Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Happy birthday!

Not to you, unless it is your birthday - then happy birthday!  It seems like the world and his wife has a birthday this month, so I got busy.

A simple wooden shaped "thing" for a friend's son.

A flocked fairy and toadstool for my sister-in-law.

Tool charms and scrabble tiles for my fake uncle.

Paper flowers for my fake aunty.  Her birthday is the day after her husbands.  I have a real aunty and uncle whose birthdays are the day after each other too.  Strange.

A stamped hedgehog for the husband.  A bit soppy maybe but it's hard making men's cards and I do feel soppy about him!  Most of the time.

I also stamped a champagne bottle inside the card.

No waffling today.


  1. OOH! My heart skipped beats and stuff when I spotted the card with REAL scrabble tiles! (they all seem to be plasticky fake in these parts).

    PS. SO entirely jealous over your uber organisation. MIL has still not received hers. Two weeks late and counting...

  2. Cute cards - I appreciate the sentiment behind the champagne bottle (I read the sentiment as ... life is good - HAVE A DRINK OR SEVEN!)

  3. You're right... it started with my best friend and then my son, today my Mom, tomorrow my niece... oh so many birthdays in May!!!
    Your birthday cards are lovely :) all of them!

  4. Love the cards! The toadstool one is especially cute. Happy Birthday to all your people!


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