
Saturday, 16 July 2011

A very quick post...

I have very little to show you as I forgot to take photos when it was daylight - I was too busy wresting with some fabric (more on that another day) and then waiting for my very late parents to turn up.  I think I have some photos on Photobucket ready to be blogged, but I'm so fed up with my laptop crashing that I don't have the energy to look, besides, I have the latest episode of Torchwood on the planner and I want to watch it!

So, here are some pictures of more headbands I made for my friend...

Reversible of course.  She's on a beach right now (well probably not with it being 9pm in Menorca or Tenerife or wherever she's gone!) so I hope she's wearing one!

In sad news, there'll probably be less blog reading and commenting from me as I've been moved to a different desk at work, away from my lovely corner and into the middle of the office so my very naughty secret blog hopping during work hours will have to stop!!

In better news, there's a possible work trip to Japan and/or China coming up... I'm thinking fabric shopping!!  I should probably be thinking work, but hey, fabric is more interesting than bits of plastic any day!


  1. EEWWW! A mid office move! That is disastrous for secret blogging. Nasty employers! I love the head bands though they are great. Are they from a tutorial or link or did they pop up out of your head? take good care I hope your laptop shapes up!

  2. OMG you like Torchwood too!? Captain Jack is Canadian you know...
    As for not posting as much, say it ain't so Joe. I hope these work changes are brightening up your days. I will look forward to your continuing adventures...

  3. Fabric shopping sounds good. I guess that's your version of tourist sites and you can learn so much about a culture from how they dress and decorate their beds/houses :D.

  4. tsk tsk naughty girl reading blogs instead of working lol i would never do that , of course i run a school kitchen so i havent the chance to, good job really lol

  5. Lovely headbands! Yuck on the office move....sigh. When would your trip to Japan be? I might be going in the fall....fingers crossed...

  6. Cute headbands ... sorry about the office move (LOL) ... and holy smokes on the Japan or China trip - that would be awwwwwwwwesome for fabric shopping!!!

  7. I once worked in an office. I was rather disruptive. They moved me to an out of the way corner....where I was just as disruptive and didn't do any work once no beady eyes were on me!!!



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