
Monday, 3 July 2017

A quick note...

Just a quick note to tell you two things:

1. I intended to post today, but Photobucket is playing up and I can't add photos to posts!

2. If you're on Blogger and have embedded comments, I can't comment.  In the comment box is your entire blog post and I can't type!  No idea what's going on there... not sure if it's Blogger or just my computer playing up...

I will try both again tomorrow!


  1. I think blogger plays tricks on us sometiems... hopefully it will sort out..

  2. do hope this sorts itself all too complicated for me!

  3. I presume that you have worked out that Photobucket is holding us all to ransom with our photos?
    You can upload them directly from your desktop if you use a computer. But all your older photos will be lost unless you re-add them. It's taking me ages!


To comply with EU data collection rules:

I don't collect your data in any shape or form. I will email you a reply to your comment, but I don't keep a record of your email address. If you don't want me to see your email address, don't comment.

I don't collect cookies. I'm not entirely sure what they are or how I'd go about collecting them. Google might though. In fact I'm positive they do. You'll have to ask them what they do with them as I don't know.