
Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Studio update

Hello!  I disappeared then... not that I've been very good about blogging consistently over the past year or so.  I went on holiday, I had intended to post before I went, but ran out of time and then didn't want to advertise that I was away.  I mean, I am THAT famous that surely everyone knows where I live and all the local criminals read my blog...

So, I showed you the floor I was laying in my craft room/studio.  You can see that post here. I've nearly finished...

The weekend before I went away, I laid the beading between the skirting and the floor.

I don't think I did too badly with my corner mitres!

I did the window wall last as it involved the 2 pipes and I thought it would be complicated.  It really wasn't!

The slight gaps are bigger in the photos than in real life, but I have already been round and pollyfilled them.

I had to cut a rebate for the plug sockets (3 of them!).  It wasn't really difficult, though I didn't have the right tools and had to use a big hacksaw.  I could have done with a jigsaw for this.

Bit of a mess by the door frame.  I wasn't sure what to do here.  After cutting and gluing it all, I showed my (engineer) friend at work on the Monday and she told me how I SHOULD have done it.  Ah well!  This will be behind the door anyway.

So, next up is sanding the filler and then a quick coat of paint.  I bought white beading to avoid painting but wasn't counting on my clumsiness and it's scrapped in many places.  Then the room arranging can begin!


  1. I am in LOVE with the floor!!

  2. I love the pattern of the floor. Good job on the DYI.

  3. It looks fantastic.... great effort and the little oopsie wont even notice...

  4. Wow, that looks great! I'm really impressed!!! Can't wait to see the next steps :) xx

  5. It's looking good, it'll be so exciting getting it all set up

  6. This floor is fantastic!
    Great work!

  7. Oh, well done! I would have been very much inclined to get someone in to do it!

  8. Dear Wendy

    It's looking good and I'm sure you'll enjoy getting it all sorted with your crafting stashes. How lovely to have a room for your crafting - mine has encroached into three rooms of the house (so far)...
    Best wishes

  9. I'm exactly the same about not advertising that I am away, you just never know who is reading your blog or facebook etc
    Your craft room is looking good! That was a big project to tackle. Enjoy arranging the room....looking forward to seeing the end result!

  10. That looks stunning and how incredible that you did it all yourself. I really wouldn't have known where to start!

  11. Like yourself and Rhona, I don't advertise that I'm away or about to go away for the same reasons. I love the floor - excellent work!

  12. Your room looks stunning. Great effort all round!

  13. Your room looks stunning. That corner looks great! You are doing an amazing job.


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