Monday, 27 April 2015

chevron bracelet

Before I was ill, lovely mum and I went to a beadweaving class at The Bead Shop, Nottingham.  I think that might be the first time I've ever used the phrase "and I" in a real-live sentence.  The class was the St. Petersburg chain which is a beadweaving stitch.

I didn't have my tablet centred properly over the hole in my lightbox which is why the photos are fuzzy on one side...  ooops.  I chose red and hematite which we always call hermaphradite.  It's made with size 11 and size 6 beads.  I think.  It's been a while, I would have said size 8s but they look more like 6s.  Big beads anyway.

I love the chunky chevron pattern, though of course you could do many things with it just by changing the colours or the size of the beads used, it also reminds me a bit of feathers.  That's not a good thing really, feathers give me the creeps.  Anyone else creeped out by feathers?


Pamela said...

Nice looking bracelet!

Marly said...

Yes, me! In fact not only feathers but the rest of the bird as well! They're fine to look at (thank goodness most birds are afraid of humans) but "tame" birds get me running for the exit. Needless to say, the trailer to Hitchcock's "The Birds" freaked me out. Quilted feathers, on the other hand, are elegant: no claws attached!

Celtic Thistle said...

Love this Wendy, we are heading off to St Petersburg next month I shall have to keep an eye out for examples of the pattern :)

Christine Altmiller said...

I am not creeped out by feathers...I rather like them. And St. Petersburg stitch does look a lot like feathers...or leaves. So maybe you can tell yourself "Leaves" :-)
I love this bracelet! It's simplicity in color and design, and the spaces in it between each big bead, and the whole vibe ~ very lovely bracelet. More! More!

Rachel said...

It does work well - a really dramatic combination!

SuperMomNoCape said...

Your bracelet is lovely! The black and red combination really pops.

Alison said...

'and I' sounds do formal doesn't it?! Necessary sometimes I suppose :) Love your bracelet, don't see feathers, maybe scales but not feathers!

Jane said...

that's quit a stunning design, and I love feathers. Sorry

Christine said...

That's very pretty

margaret said...

very nice, it also reminds me of raspberries and blackcurrants yummy!

Anonymous said...

That's a very striking design, great make.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Very pretty chain and glad to read a post from you. Hope you are feelign better.

Sarah in Stitches said...

Great chain! I like the pattern :D

Cristal @ Dapple Design said...

Pretty colours for your bracelet.

Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy ,wow I love the bracelet xx

Lorna McMahon said...

Such a pretty bracelet. Love the red/black combo and the chevron design.

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely bracelet, and I've been admiring your embroidery, i love the blackwork especially