Wednesday, 26 August 2015


I couple of weeks ago I took a Thursday off work to attend a class at The Bead Shop Nottingham.  It was taught by Patty McCourt.  We learnt how to make this lovely necklace named Cleo.

Alternative colours of Swarovski bicone are beaded with size 11/0s to create the foundation, then the dangles are added with Kheops par Puca and Superduos, along with more 11/0s.  

I chose some of my favourite colours, a lovely petrol blue and grey and combined them with silver 11/0s.  The sample necklace was too long for me, so I made mine 4 units shorter.  I finished right at the end of the class and put it on.  It was too short!  I have to take it back quite a way to add a couple more of the triangle units in and I'm no longer sure how to go about it... I knew what to do when I came out of the class but typically, I didn't tackle it and now I'm not sure how to fix it!  I suppose I could just start again...


Cath said...

Love the blue and grey colour scheme. To make it longer, you could cut the loops on the clasp to remove it, leaving the bead loop in tact and add in a section of chain using jump rings.

Rachel said...

I'm sure you'll think of something. Maybe instead of adding units of pattern, you could insert something between the end of the beading and the clasp sections, on each side?

Sharon - creativity and family said...

How frustrating! It is so gorgeous though that I'm sure it will be worth the effort! Maybe if you popped back into the shop they could give you a few tips? x

Christine B said...

What a shame... I do hope you think of a solution, it is the most beautiful necklace! Christine x

Sandra :) said...

Wendy that's very pretty - instead of taking it back and adding more triangle units, could you not add some beads before the toggles, on either sides? Like a row of single or double beads to add an inch on either side?

margaret said...

how annoying to have to unpick but even more so to not remember how to finish off this creation. Did the class not have a handout of instructions, rather mean if they do not give any, maybe you could ask for some?

Jane said...

Love it, hope you manage to sort it out soon

Melody said...

Wow, this is so beautiful.

Jo Ferguson said...


Sarah in Stitches said...

It looks gorgeous! Love the colors. Good luck fixing it! :D

Flickenstichlerin said...

The neclace is just too beautiful not to wear it.
Hope you find a way to fix it.