Thursday, 3 September 2015

Rowendean embroidery

At the end of July I showed you the little embroidery I'd started working on.  Mid August I finished the main panel.  There is another smaller piece which is mounted on the mount... you'll have to wait until I've finished it to see what I'm talking about!

I can't live with those french knots on the beach.  I said I was going to leave them but I can't, they're going to have to come out.... It could be a problem as the straight stitches below are stitched from the same lengths of thread so I hope I don't lose too much...

I also said in my last post that more Rowandean kits were going on my wishlist, well I went to the stand at the Festival of Quilts and another kit came home with me.  I love stitching these so expect to see it make an appearance fairly soon!


Rachel said...

Why don't you like the French Knots? The difference in texture between the straight stitches and the knots will be very useful!

Christine B said...

Hello Wendy! This is looking beautiful! Can't wait to see the new one you have bought! Christine x

SuperMomNoCape said...

This is lovely, Wendy. Sending good thoughts that the french knots unpick okay. What are you going to replace them with?

Sarah in Stitches said...

Love it! It looks great :D

Jane said...

It looks good, hope you manage to sort out your french knots without too much of a problem

margaret said...

this is lovely, have you tried colonial/candlewick knots I have found them far easier than french knots and they always come out the same size, just a thought

Ruth said...

Love the tree - looks really good to me. Hope removing the french knots isn't too tricky!

Katherine said...

Gorgeous design, Wendy. Looks like a lot of work. Fingers crossed that your "unstitching" goes smoothly.

Sheryl said...

This work is lovely Wendy, sorry about having to undo the French knots.