Monday, 12 October 2015

Luna cabochon

About a year ago I discovered the most wonderful cabochons in The Bead Shop Nottingham.  I bought a couple just because I loved them, but never did anything with them.  If you want to see what they look like, go here.  It turns out we'd missed the workshop using Luna cabs (we missed one?!?), so we asked the manager if she'd put another class on for us, and she agreed!

I took a Thursday of work and we took another workshop (more on that coming to a blogpost near you soon) in the morning, and then settled down for an afternoon of bead embroidery.  Using a piece of bead foundation, we glued our cab down, and then held it in place with some peyote stitch.  We then used O beads (which I also own but never knew how to use!) to stitch a decorative ring before adding an Ultrasuede backing and a row of crystals.

It was really hard to get decent photos of this, I wanted to show the way the Luna cab just seems to shine, whilst also getting the shine of the crystals.  I used my tablet for these photos, I really should have used my camera as the tablet doesn't have a zoom feature.  The problem is that I have no way of transfering the photos to my PC except by taking the memory card into work and slotting it into my laptop.  It would seem that modern technology has left me behind.

This will become a necklace, I already know how I'm going to do it, it's on my Finish-It-FFS pile!


margaret said...

this is very pretty a lovely colour in the centre

Rachel said...

It's charming. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it!

Christine B said...

It is beautiful Wendy and I can't wait to see what you do with it! Christine x

Bethany said...

THAT is beautiful!!!! The color is amazing!!!!

Jo Ferguson said...

It seems like it's lit from within.......gorgeous!!!

Cath said...

Very cute - love the colours. I know what you mean about having interesting beads and not knowing what to do with them.

Jane said...

That was good of them to put on another class for you, look forward to seeing it in it's final setting

Sandra :) said...

That's beautiful - I love that rich colour! I LOL'd at the "FFS" part of your goal *grin* :D

Flickenstichlerin said...

This one shines, wonderful color.

Sarah in Stitches said...

Beautiful colors! And the picture is nice, it looks great against all that wood :D

Anita said...

Lol....this one looks pretty all
on it's own!! Great colour.
Cheers. Anita.