Sunday, 4 October 2015

Viennese Waltz - update 7

I can't believe another 3 weeks has gone in the SAL!  I only realised when one of the organisers, Clair, emailed to remind us, so I whipped this baby out and put in.... wait for it... 2 whole threads!  Here's where I was:

And here's where I am:

Masses of difference, eh?

In case you've forgotten, I'm stitching this as part of a three-weekly SAL, aiming to get us finishing our pieces, either new pieces or WIPs.

You can go and see what the other participants have been up to here:


Anonymous said...

it's like playing "Spot the difference " lol

margaret said...

never mind you did not get much done, every stitch adds up and I am sure it will not be long before we see plenty of progress. Is it a Lanarte design?

Anonymous said...

You're not alone... I didn't put a single stitch in my 'official' project! And I can see where you've done a bit of work, so it's not totally embarrassing.

Christine B said...

Hello Wendy! This is looking really pretty! The colours are lovely! Christine x

Anonymous said...

At least you remembered it!!!!!!

Kate said...

That is so pretty! Keep going!

Vera said...

oh wow. I guess that requires a lot of patience!

Anonymous said...

Two threads are better than no threads :)

Anonymous said...

Oh well, at least you managed a couple of threads. It's better than nothing. Life just takes over sometimes :-)

Sandra :) said...

I see your progress - very purple-icious! ;)

Anita said...

How amazing is that piece of work you're doing!!
Very clever.
Cheers, Anita.

Rachel said...

Slow and steady reaches the goal!
Sometimes life gets away from us...

Sharon - creativity and family said...

You have more patience than me!! You will get there, go for it :-)

Jo Ferguson said...

Sometimes all we have in us is two stitches. That's still progress.

Jo Ferguson said...

That's still progress!

Sarah in Stitches said...

LOL...Every little bit counts! :D

Jane said...

Two threads is still progress, it's two threads closer to the end

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

It's beautiful and it's certainly growing. You have the patience of saint!