Sunday, 6 December 2015

Viennese Waltz update 9

Wow, what a horrific week or so I've had!  It started a few weeks ago with a broken tooth (which I choked on!).  I made a dentist appointment - the first appointment they had was 4 weeks away.  Then 2 Fridays ago, the pain started.  Wow, such pain.  Saturday morning saw me at the Walk In Centre to see the emergency dentist.  He pulled the tooth out.  The following week was all pain.  So Friday saw me back at the Walk In Centre.  She pulled another tooth out.  Today?  Pain.  At this rate I'll have no teeth left.  

But you didn't come here to read me whinging about the dentist, you came to see my SAL update.  Here's where I was three weeks ago:

I had high hopes of getting lots done, and I didn't do too badly considering I didn't stitch at all for one week as the pain was too bad.  Here we are now:

A fair bit of skirt done there, but I've probably ruined my chances of getting this done by the end of the year!

I'm sewing along as part of a SAL, you can go and see what the other participants have been up to here:


Christine B said...

This is really looking beautiful Wendy! Hope you have finished with the dentist for a while! Christine x

SuperMomNoCape said...

Oh no!! I often think that toothache pain is worse than any other pain. I hope it goes away soon!

You have made good progress considering what you've been through.

Anonymous said...

don't worry about finishing by the end of the year . . . it'll be a sure finish in 2016.
And sorry to hear about teeth trouble :s

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

Poor you! That whole tooth business sounds horrific! I'm glad it's over now :)
Your picture is looking amazing. Even though you've had a set back, it's not far off being finished now :)

Sandra :) said...


}}}}}Pain that doesn't get solved quickly, promptly and painlessly{{{{{

Anonymous said...

Hope your tooth issues come to an end before you run out of teeth! Lovely stitching despite the pain, impressive progress.

Anonymous said...

Hope your tooth issues come to an end before you run out of teeth! Lovely stitching despite the pain, impressive progress.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, you've really had it rotten over the last few weeks. I do hope you feel better soon. The stitching is beautiful!

Rachel said...

I go quite cross-eyed when I'm in pain, so I can just imagine how little stitching you could have got done.

I do hope those teeth get sorted out!

Pamela said...

Sorry about the pain you are enduring.

Nice progress, even if it isn't as much as you wanted.

Jane said...

Oh, I can feel your pain! You've made good progress, despite everything. You won't be far off finishing by the end of the year

margaret said...

ouch not pleasant 2 teeth out so hopefully the pain has now gone and all is Well. Cross stitch has grown quite a lot looking so good

Sharon - creativity and family said...

Oh, you poor girl! Toothache is just so miserable, I really hope that the pain eases soon :-( You sal is coming along great. x

Flickenstichlerin said...

Wonderful progress, this can be finished this year. Your stitches are beautiful.
Good luck with the dentist and get well soon.

Sarah in Stitches said...

Oh my goodness, that sounds awful! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I hope it feels better now. Lovely stitching!

Anita said...

Oh man!!! That's horrible alright. Hope you're feeling better.
I've had the same dentist since I was about 17 yrs old and I still
see him today. The personal plates on his car is TA (Trevor Allen) but
we tell him it stands for Tooth Ache!!! lol
Cheers, Anita.

Jo Ferguson said...

This is a stunning piece. I hope the pain gets better soon.