Saturday, 20 February 2016

rope baskets

At January's meeting of the East Midlands Quilt Group, the lovely Ange showed us how to make rope bowls using cotton cord.  I used white 4mm cotton cord to whip up this baby.

I say whip up, it took me the entire meeting, in between gossiping and stuffing my face with cake.  They are brilliant fun to make and the possibilities are endless.  I really wish I'd taken photos of some of the other bowls the group made.

The next day, I wanted to make another, so decided to use up the rest of the rope, just keep going until it was all used.  I also incorporated some fabric scraps for a dash of colour.

It turned out massive!!  I made a right mess of attaching the fabric scraps, but I really like it anyway.

I wanted to use up the rest of the roll so that I wouldn't have oddments of cotton cording hanging around, but now I want to buy more and make more baskets!


Cath said...

Another interesting thing to have a go at. I like the effect of the fabric scrap - it looks artistic.

Kerryp77 said...

They look great and I guess being cotton cord washable too. What are your plans for them?

Rachel said...

It's a lovely basket, and the flashes of fabric and colour work really well!

Oops-Lah said...

Oh I love those. I've seen them before but not as high and I think yours are much more usable.

Christine said...

I like those. Do you just stitch the cord to itself?

Sharon - creativity and family said...

Is great, how do you attach it all together?

Flickenstichlerin said...

Love your baskets, they look great. The one with the srap fabric in it is so pretty.

margaret said...

great baskets practical and pretty too, like the addded scraps of fabric, I presume you used washing line?

Laura said...

This is beautiful! Looks like it would take a long surprised to hear you made at a meeting. Do they have a name, so I could look for directions? They are both lovely!

Renee said...

These look great and look like a lot of fun to make!

Sandra :) said...

That's fantastic, and the print fabrics give it a great kick. I think this is the kind of basket that is zigzagged with the machine to form the shape? You better post a follow-up picture when it's filled with goodies!

Jane said...

these are brilliant, they've been on my to do list for a long time

Sarah in Stitches said...

These are so cool! I love them - especially the one with the fabric scraps :D

Chris of UK City Crafter said...

Useful and pretty, what more could you want! I shall have to put it on my list of things to do :)

CraftafterCraft said...

That looks like fun and very useful. I love the flashes of colour in the large one.