Kheops beads are small triangular beads with two holes, one either side of the point. The jury is out as to how to pronounce the word! Back in February we went to a beadweaving class at The Bead Shop Nottingham to make a design called Kheops windmill.
I love to use colour so have very few neutral necklaces, other than silver pendents. For this necklace I chose dark grey and light silver Kheops, silver size 11/0 seed beads and Scabacious green Swarovski crystals. The colours in both these photos are really off!
It was quite a quick pattern to weave and I would have finished it in class if disaster hadn't struck. I had a bead stopper on one end of the necklace, but not on the other. I held it up to my neck to see if it needed to be longer or shorter and dropped the other strand. Beads everywhere!! I rescued the crystals and weaved it again. This time I didn't drop it and put calottes on both ends. Then I went to put it on and one of the calottes fell off. Beads everywhere!! I haven't had the heart to mend it yet...
Aagh, Wendy, how frustrating! it looks so beautiful too! 😞
What an exasperating experience! I can understand you setting it aside in frustration, but I'm sure you will find a lot of occasions to wear it when you do finish it..
Wendy that necklace is outstanding girl!!! What a
lovely creation. Nice.
Cheers, Anita.
Beautiful necklace. The triangle beads are lovely.
How frustrating.I love beading but find threading the needle a problem.Any tips?
It is a beautiful necklace so I hope you do get round to putting it right! Christine x
It'll be pretty when its done - are those triangle/Kheops beads black and grey? This weekend I was beading a couple of very simple little zipper pulls, and kept having to redo them because my brain apparently wasn't in full Engaged position, and I kept screwing up, lol. I think I redid one of them 3 times before I got it right - and the other one - well - I discovered when it was completely put together, that I had used the wrong focus bead. I left it, rather than redoing - I just didn't have the heart to take it apart :D
a pretty necklace
how frustrating, hope you get to finish it one day
Beautiful necklace, you will finish it, I am so sure. It is just gorgeous.
Beautiful necklace! :D
Those "beads everywhere" moments are frustrating, to say the least! But this pattern is sensational!!! LOVE IT!!!
It's so pretty - you should finish it!
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