Saturday, 5 March 2016

counted beadwork

I got a little counted beadwork kit for Christmas.  It is from Ann's Orchard Needlework and is, perhaps not surprisingly, a picture of a bunny.

It is basically half cross stitch, but you slide a bead onto the thread with every stitch.  The rabbit and flowers are size 11/0 seed beads, the background is tapestry wool, also done as half cross stitch.  I think that's called tent stitch.

It took just a couple of hours, but I quite enjoyed it.  I think I have a book of counted beadwork that I picked up in a charity shop, I should perhaps dig it out as I certainly don't have a shortage of seed beads!


Christine B said...

What a pretty little design! Just right for Easter! Have a lovely weekend! Christine x

Rachel said...

Yes, tent stitch. No idea why!

I would tend to use basketweave tent stitch for backgrounds. It is worked diagonally and uses a lot more thread than half-cross stitch, but it is stronger and more stable, at least if it has been worked in a frame.

Sandra :) said...

I've been getting into beads lately - just for very SIMPLE embellishing on zipper bags. Your bun bun is cute --- what's the name of your counted bead book - is that a specific technique as opposed to just regular beading? IIRC you got a book with a tiny little cupcake (and other little designs) on the front - I think I got it too - is that the book you're referring to? I must Pinterest further counted beading projects :D

Kerryp77 said...

That's a really sweet stitch with the beads, I've a squirrel somewhere, seeing yours mad me want to dig it out and give it a go

pennydog said...

Looking good!

Jane said...

that sounds relaxing to do, and you can never have too many bunnies!

margaret said...

what a sweet bunny

Anita said...

so cute !

Anonymous said...

what a gorgeous little bunny ^^

Cherie said...

I haven't done any counted beadwork in ages. Your lovely project has set me thinking... and I should be houseworking :-)

Cath said...

Very cute bunny. Seeing this reminds me that I did one of those kits last year. It was good fun. I must hunt it out and take a picture.