Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Letterpress printing

A few weeks ago we went to a Craft and Cake event at a local pub.  To be honest, it was a bit disappointing.  There was no cake!  There were a few artisans demonstrating their work - painting, knitting on a machine and soap making, and upstairs we found a couple doing letter press printing.  It was free to have a go if you didn't mind waiting your turn, which we didn't.

There were boxes with all different letters and some pictures on wooden blocks.  We were given a tray and a frame and had to fill the frame with whatever we wanted to print.  I am absolutely fascinated by communism so was chuffed to find the hammer and sickle block!  I put it in the middle of some type.  The wooden blocks were for shoring up the text to make sure it was wedged in tight when you pick the frame up.

Then over to the machine.  You put the ink on with a brayer, as demonstrated below by wonderful mum.

You put a piece of paper on top, push it into the machine, tighten the screw, then undo the screw and pull it out and ... ta da!  One letter press poster.

Spot the "a" which isn't actually an "a"?

Clearly the recognising (or not) of backwards letter "a"s is a family trait!

We've booked on a workshop, in March I think, so I just need to come up with another idea.


Christine said...

Oh I do like those, how cool

Christine B said...

Looks like you had a great time Wendy! It looks a fun workshop! Christine x

Sandra :) said...

Definitely cool, but I would have made one that said ... "Where's my cake?" (using the wrong A, of course) - then left it with the organizers :D

Oops-Lah said...

What no cake? Thanks definitely a let down. I like your posters and I actually like the 6 instead of an a. It's very trendy. Can't wait to see what you'll do during your class.

Kerryp77 said...

They're great! I can't believe how many new crafts you find to try

Rachel said...

I think reading inside-out text is something that comes with practice!

Sharon - creativity and family said...

What fun!!

Jane said...

this looks like such fun, enjoy the class when you get to it

Celtic Thistle said...

Shame about the cake Wendy, looks like you both had fun though :)

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

Sounds like the course will be good fun. I adore books and particularly handmade books but I think it's the binding of them that interests me more than the letterpress - I don't think I would have the patience to set out all the text - backwards!!!!
Hope you enjoy the course, and looking forward to seeing the photos!
And I agree - a craft and cake event without the cake is an OUTRAGE!!!

Sarah in Stitches said...

That looks so cool! Sorry there wasn't any cake :D

Samantha said...

I read yours as 'hello dorkness my old friend' ! I could go with a dorkness poster lol!