Sunday, 22 May 2016

Hardanger #2

Happy Sunday everyone!  It's been three weeks since I introduced you to the latest WIP I'm tackling - Mabel Figworthy's Fancies Song of the Weather SAL from 2013, so it's time for an update.  This is where I left off 3 years ago:

I've started working on "October".  I took it with me on a short holiday we took to Alnmouth in Northumberland (beautiful part of the world).  Usually our breaks there are all about walking for miles during the day, often along the coast, then stitching in the evenings. Unfortunately this time I was ill, more about that later, so I didn't get that much done.

The kloster blocks were all in round the edges, so all I've done is add the pistel stitches (dark blue), the woven roses, and cut the threads in the triangular sections.  I've also started weaving the threads, almost there!  The star shape in the middle is for a woven ribbon rose but I didn't have any ribbon on me.

Here it is in context, you can see now why the hoop isn't centred, I was trying to avoid crushing the other embroideries.

I'm sewing along as part of a SAL, you can go and see what the other participants have been up to here:

AvisClaireGunCarole, LucyAnnKateCathyJessSueConstanze

The illness I'm talking about is my depression.  I had a very sudden, very severe relapse which started the day before we went on holiday.  The day after we got back, I went to work, but very quickly realised I wasn't safe and contacted my Mental Health Crisis Team.  I also called my best friend who took control, called my husband to collect me and told my boss I was going home!  Luckily my boss was bloody brilliant and has given me his full support.  I've seen two psychiatrists at two different hospitals this week, I narrowly avoided being sectioned and I'm now at home for at least a week with instructions to rest.  Fingers crossed this is just a blip in the withdrawal process.


Jane said...

Love the woven roses

I'm so glad you called someone and was able to get help quickly, you have a good set of people around you. Hope it won't be too long before everything has balanced out and you begin to feel better. Will be thinking of you

Christine B said...

Very sorry to hear about your relapse Wendy and I will keep my finger crossed too! Love the Hardanger! Christine x

Anonymous said...

you've done heaps! well done!
and re your depression - that's a very complex health problem to work through, it's great that everyone is being so supportive

Christine said...

Hope you feel more like yourself soon
The Hardanger is beautiful

Starry-eyed stitcher said...

Hopefully this is just a blip and that you quickly feel better. I have been following your crafty adventures again - I am impressed! Good luck Irene x

Kerryp77 said...

Your hardanger is beautiful. I'd love to try it but the thought of cutting blocks terrifies me! Sending healing thoughts to you. I hope it is a blip and the fact you are open about it shows great strength. Take care.

Magpie Sue said...

More beautiful work. :-) I enjoy making woven/wrapped roses. Glad you're receiving such good support from your boss and family and friends. Know that there are others out in the world pulling for you too. Depression is a beast.

Kate Chiconi said...

Your stitching is amazing, so fine and detailed. And I also have the utmost respect for your courage in talking about your depression. So many people try and bury this stuff, and the community at large needs to understand and support people suffering this way.

Anonymous said...

Your cut work is absolutely gorgeous! I hope you are feeling much better very soon. It's wonderful to have a good support network around you too.

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

I hope you'll be able to have a good rest now and get well soon.

I think I said when you showed this a few weeks ago that these are quite unusual takes on Hardanger - a sort of Hardanger fusion. They are very effective all worked together like this.

Sandra :) said...

Pretty stitchery ... but more importantly ... {{{{{{{{{{Wendy}}}}}}}}}} You may recall that my hugs are of the maple syrup variety - very healing, I believe :)

Rachel said...

Fingers crossed indeed. I like what you've been doing with the hardanger, though!

margaret said...

sorry to read the depression has crept in again, sounds like you have a good group of people to support you and help, wishing you an early recovery.
the hardanger is lovely, maybe you can do some more whilst off work I find stitching is a great help and can lose myself in it so the worries disappear.

Take care

Anonymous said...

I hope you´ll get beter soon! Your embroidery is coming along beautifully!

Sarah in Stitches said...

I'm sorry to hear about your relapse, Wendy! I hope you're feeling better. Beautiful work! :D

CraftafterCraft said...

That embroidery oils absolutely beautiful. I shall look forward to seeing that ribbon rose.

On the health front big well done for telling someone in time to get support. All the best wishes for getting back out of the rabbit hole.