Saturday, 11 April 2015

Finish Along 2015 Quarter 2 goals

I've been debating with myself about whether I should explain where I've been or if anyone had even noticed that my little blog went unupdated for 7 weeks.  Let's just say I've not been well at all but finally things are looking up and starting to feel a bit normal again.  Normal enough that I've decided to join in with Q2 of the 2015 FAL (Finish ALong)

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

So here are my goals for the quarter.  I'm trying to operate completely without pressure at the minute so I don't care if I don't manage a single one of them, if I do, it will be a bonus.

1. Finish the Cuzco quilt.  This has since had the borders added, a back pieced and is fully basted.  I just need to get my sewing machine mended so I can quilt it.  

2. My nephew was 3 in March and I wanted this to be a birthday present for him.  No matter, it can be a just-because present instead.  I have so far cut out 3 pages, it all needs sewing.

3. I need to FMQ my And Sew On quilt.  It's quilted in the red borders and already bound, I just need to add some quilting to the blocks.

4. I want to make this circle of geese block into a trivet.  The two we have are so useful but get dirty often and so end up in the wash and we end up making do with a tea towel.  It needs bringing up to a useful size with borders, then quilting and binding.

5.  This orphan block from the Sew Kitschy BOM is destined to become a trivet too.  I have now added borders to it, so it just needs sandwiching and quilting, hopefully an easy one.

6. I think the Orange Peel QAL has now finished (I've lost track!) so this rather large mini quilt needs quilting and binding.

7. It would be nice to finally get the latch hook rug bound and on the floor somewhere.  Actually it is already on the floor, in my craft room, but it could do with being finished first!

I think that's more than enough.  With a bit of luck, I'll feel well enough this quarter to make a humongous list for Q3!


Anonymous said...

I did notice that you'd gone a bit quiet, but am glad to see you back and posting.

Alison said...

Sorry to hear you have not been well, hope things are on the up now. All your quilts look amazing, I'm still in love with your And Sew On quilt! A x

Kerryp77 said...

Welcome back, I missed your humour about crafting! You have some beautiful quilts there. Good luck with your plan

Emily said...

I thought your rug already on the floor comment was hilarious! Good luck with Quarter 2!

ranniroo said...

So glad you're back! I don't usually post comments, but I was wondering about you. Hope you're on the mend!

Sandra :) said...

Welcome back, sweetie - I hope things go smoothly and well for you, and that you continue to feel better and back to normal :) If I can go all "oh mom! *eye roll*" on you for a moment - may I suggest you work on a small project to get back in the swing of things - the trivets will be quick to finish, and can be put into service immediately :D I know you aren't going to stress about things, but I suspect a finish that you get to use right away - would put a smile on your face :D YMMV ;)

Pam @Threading My Way said...

Those two blocks are going to make awesome trivets, Wendy - not a word we hear much. I've recently made two 'just because' presents. They're about two years overdue, but like yours, I know they'll be well received. Take care of yourself. Hugs from Down

Jane said...

I did notice, and I'm glad to know you are on the way back up. It would be lovely to even make progress and get one of these finished. Pick your favourite one to do first

Celtic Thistle said...

Glad to have you back, sorry to hear that you have been unwell. Looks like you have plenty of projects to keep you busy this quarter!

Sarah in Stitches said...

Welcome back! You've been missed for sure. Great goals! Good luck :D

Anonymous said...

I missed you and am glad you're back and feeling a bit better, hope you improve day on day.
You've certainly got a lot of projects lined up to finish, good luck with those.

Rachel said...

My goodness, that's quite a list. Good to have you back. Just don't overstress yourself..

elizabethdee said...

Yes, you've been missed! I was really glad to see you post, although I was sorry to read about the rough patch. I hope everything just gets better and better for you, and send you every best wish.

Second Chance Tan said...

I've missed ya..... Hope you are doing OK, sorry to hear you have been feeling rough. Hope to see you at the next guild meeting. I enjoyed sashing your orphan blocks together xx Chin up (and a virtual hug coming your way) x

Fiona said...

Sorry to hear you have been ill... and hope you are much better now.. back to crafting is a good sign....

HeathersSewingRoom said...

It is great to see your list as that is motivation in itself. It is nice to see you with a positive approach and I hope as the quarter progresses your health improves with it. You have some great projects to get into.

pennydog said...

Don't feel like you need to apologise! Good luck with your list.

SuperMomNoCape said...

I actually did notice that you hadn't posted in a while but I thought maybe you were away on one of your work trips. Sad to hear that your health has not been good but glad to hear that you're feeling better. The two trivets could be finishes that might give you a nice boost of satisfaction. Just work as you can and feel well enough. Sending good thoughts your way.

Henry's Shed said...

So many lovely projects! I love the idea of linking up projects to finish, maybe I'll be able to join next time! Was your orange peel quilt-along with Julie from Button Button? If so, it's not quite over yet! I have been stitching along too, not that I have even got a finished quilt top yet as other things got in the way!! xx