Monday, 25 April 2016

Speed Craft #2 - Brass work

April was the first Speed Craft of the year at Debbie Bryan.  Me and wonderful mum went last year in October and loved it so much there was no way we were going to miss this one!

There were 5 craft tables and 5 groups of 8 ladies (I would have loved to have seen some men there, but alas, there were none!).  We started at one table, had 45 minutes to craft, then a tea break before moving to the next table.  We continued round the room like this, stopping for lunch and for tea breaks.

We were welcomed with Bucks Fizz (I had Elderflower Cordial as I'm allergic to oranges and can't drink alcohol!).  We started with ceramics brooches/buttons with Katie Almond, moved on to metal working with Emma Hender.  Then there was a break for lunch before we did some concrete work with Bethany Walker, more coffee then a needle felting session with Debbie.  The last table was origami notebooks with Katie McKeag who works at the shop.  I can't find any web links for Katie.  We finished up with Cosmopolitans (more Elderflower for me!) and more cake!  I forgot to mention cake was served several times during the day....

I'm starting with our second table as at the time of writing I hadn't received back our ceramics or concrete pieces.

Emma is a silversmith.  She'd bought a load of brass rings which she'd oxidised - that gives it the black surface.  This meant we could scratch and scrape into it to create patterns or pictures.  Great idea Emma as a silversmithing taster can't be an easy thing to plan!

I was enjoying it so much I didn't take any photos of the equipment we used - I really am a bad blogger!  I mainly used a scribe - a sharp pointy tool - to score and scrape at the metal to create geometric lines.  The W was unintentional!

I used a file to scratch the ends and the top and bottom to reveal the brass.

I have also inscribed a song lyric inside the ring, but that's staying private!

Of course, I enjoyed this, I do love metalwork / silversmithing, and I can safely say I'll be doing more of it - every Wednesday in fact!


Rachel said...

That worked beautifully, didn't it!

Christine B said...

Beautiful ring and what a great craft event it sounds! Have a lovely week! Christine x

Sandra :) said...

It's fine to enjoy an activity without having to plan and interrupt the process for blogging/photography purposes - I think it can take away from the fun when attention is split that way. I'm glad you had fun at the Speed Crafting session, and that you found an activity that you enjoy enough to continue doing - now I'm wondering if the lyrics were NAUGHTY! ;)

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Wow what an awesome variety of crafts for you to do! Your ring just turned out beautifully! Joy xx

Kerryp77 said...

That looks really cool. I love the idea of speed crafting. Sounds like a great way to spend a day.

Jane said...

That looks good, hope you enjoy your new class

margaret said...

so may different talents you have this is a great ring and how I envy you having your Mum to go to all these classes with

Sharon - creativity and family said...

Fantastic, I love the design :-)

Jill said...

Oh speed crafting, that sounds like a lot of fun, I love trying new things so I would love to do it. Love your ring

Anonymous said...

That sounds a wonderful event....and booze too!

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

That has worked very well, and I see you're wearing it alongside one of your own silver rings. Intrigued to see the origami notebooks - I did a 'meander book' a while back and wonder if they might be related to that. Looking forward to finding out!

Sarah in Stitches said...

Lovely! That sounds like so much fun :D