Thursday, 19 November 2015

Speed Craft #3

I'm back to telling you about my Sunday at Speed Craft, hosted by Debbie Bryan.  You can read my previous posts here and here.

The third table we went to was called "handcrafted robin".  We had no idea what that might involve and having done it, I'm not sure what I'd call it!  I didn't think to take any process photos, which would have been useful.

We were given a wood blank the shape of the whole robin.  It had holes drilled in it.  The and back are also a wood blank.  The red breast is acrylic.  We simply had to hand stitch the various elements together.

We then glued a piece of leather to the back to hide the messy stitching.  I had some time left at the end so I played with some other small blanks the tutor had for jewellery making, but I can't find them now, I might have left them behind.

This was interesting to do, but it was just like doing a kit as everything was pre-cut.  It would be interesting to make my own, if I were into cutting wood and acrylic that is!  Mind you, I do have a dremel or two...

Next up: Mono printing


Rachel said...

Yes, I can see what you mean. Very sweet, but a bit like painting by numbers! You could maybe do some trials with card before you break out the dremel, though..

Sandra :) said...

That's a craft I've never seen before - it looks like they took a kiddy craft and made an adult version with the wood and the leather!

margaret said...

you certainly manage a lot in 45 mins, he is very effective and has a certain charm about him or her

Sharon - creativity and family said...

He is rather cute and will gorgeous hung up over Christmas!

Sarah in Stitches said...

Aww, it's so cute! I know what you mean, it would have been more interesting to make everything yourself. Maybe there just wasn't enough time - speed crafting, right?

Jane said...

That looks interesting to do

Jo Ferguson said...

Having these pre-drilled would make a great project for kids, of all ages. I think it's adorable.