I've just popped in to tell you that I have been crafting this week, but I wont be posting yet. The problem is that I leave for work in the dark and come home in the dark and I'm sick of posting horrible, orangey photos that look nothing like my work due to the lack of light. I'm no photographer but my frog photo (see my last post) made me realise that I'm really getting the photo thing wrong. So, until the summer returns, I'm going to craft away during the week but instead of giving you real-time updates, I'm going to save it all up, photograph them at the weekends during the daylight hours and then eek the projects out in posts during the week. I just need a little time to get ahead of myself. I currently have one secret and one "public" project finished so I need to get some more done this weekend in order to post 3 - 4 times next week. Please bare with me and don't unsubscribe!!
I have the same problem here, Wendy - it's just so dark and dreary here in winter that my photographs aren't very bright! I don't have a fancy camera to get good photos so my photography leaves a lot to be desired, sadly!
I know about "secret" and "public" projects too - a lot of the time when I posted a finished project I lie through my teeth about who it's for, so the real recipient won't figure it out - I've even invented a few "relatives" to use as pretend recipients ... ROTFL!!!
Thanks for leaving a comment! I would to know how to be able to allow people to send me an email! I would welcome any help you could offer for helping me to change that on my blog! Cheers!
Boy do I understand that! And even during daylight, it's been so grey here, nothing comes out right. I should go outside to take pics, but it's COLD out there. And I'm not waiting til spring, lol! I think you have a great plan there, Wendy.
I have the same problem here, Wendy - it's just so dark and dreary here in winter that my photographs aren't very bright! I don't have a fancy camera to get good photos so my photography leaves a lot to be desired, sadly!
I know about "secret" and "public" projects too - a lot of the time when I posted a finished project I lie through my teeth about who it's for, so the real recipient won't figure it out - I've even invented a few "relatives" to use as pretend recipients ... ROTFL!!!
Thanks for leaving a comment! I would to know how to be able to allow people to send me an email! I would welcome any help you could offer for helping me to change that on my blog! Cheers!
Looking forward to seeing you update photos next week. :D
I totally understand. There is no point in posting photos you arent happy with. I wont be unsubscribing! :)
Thanks so much, Wendy, for your help! Looking forward to seeing what you've got up your sleeve!
Boy do I understand that! And even during daylight, it's been so grey here, nothing comes out right. I should go outside to take pics, but it's COLD out there. And I'm not waiting til spring, lol! I think you have a great plan there, Wendy.
Know how you feel as even in sunny Oz we've had a lot of grey days lately. I'm really learning the modes on my camera for lighting problems :S!
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