Showing posts with label bookmarks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bookmarks. Show all posts

Friday, 3 February 2017

a bookmark and a bunny

I must have finished this at the beginning of January.  I know I was planning on showing it to mum when I next saw her, but then I never did.  I think now that mum has gone, you really are the only audience for my makes as very few people are interested!

This is a Michael Powell design, I bought the kit from his stall at Harrogate.  I've always wanted to stitch one and so I went with a bookmark as that was within my budget.

The two pictures above show the bookmark with all the cross stitch done.  Doesn't look great, does it?  All you need to do is add a little magic... i.e. backstitch...

Much better!  The kit included the tassel to add to the top, and the felt for the backing.

I just carefully stitched this in place so it was neat on the front, not so neat on the back, but considering no one will ever see it, it doesn't really matter!

I bought a panel and a layer cake of Thicket a while ago.  I finally got round into making one of the bunnies up into a simple little stuffie.

I used my Sew Together bag to give you an idea of scale, because of course everyone has one?!?

And here's his back side.  Thankfully clean, unlike poor Harry's.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Bobbin Lace take 2

I seem to be flitting from one craft to the other recently, never finishing anything off.  I don't know if it's the weather, or my new medication, or just my illness, but I struggle to find motivation to make anything.

Eagle-memoried readers may remember that I went to a bobbin lace class back in June (see here), and that it was not particularly successful.  We both still wanted to learn this technique so we did some research and found a tutor in Derby which isn't far from Nottingham.  We took a class with Louise West and immediately signed up for the next one, she was an excellent teacher and we both really enjoyed it.

Our weapons of choice.  We pricked out the pattern and then drew pencil lines to connect the dots.  This is done on a piece of glazed card (the brown one).  After penciling in the lines, we had to go over it in ink and then rub the pencil lines out.  I thought this was a bit of a faff, but on more complex patterns it is probably essential.  We then chose some colours of Perle 8 cotton.

Apparently, I didn't take one single in-progress photo, I clearly was enjoying it!  I managed to finish the whole piece in the class which was great, no UFO!  We made a bookmark.  

There are a variety of stitches, or rather stitch combinations, in this piece, I'm going to list them as an aide-memoire for me, if you're curious to know what they are, you will have to learn bobbin lace, I know a good teacher!  I started at the top with cloth stitch, followed by half stitch which is so hard to keep track of.  I then moved onto half stitch with a twist at each end to make the lacy bits.  After this I added in a twist in the middle, and finally, on the last section, a twist after every stitch.

I really enjoyed making this, I had grand plans to make some more in different colour combinations, but of course, that hasn't yet happened.

The crazy thing is, considering I'm a crafter and that most of the crafts I practice can whip up a bookmark in minutes, I don't have very many book marks and had been using a receipt before I made this!

Monday, 1 October 2012

reverse applique bookmarks

I've completely given up trying to think of witty, amusing or clever titles for my posts.  Or did you think I gave it up months ago?  Can you guess what I've got to show you today?  Yes, that's right, bookmarks.  Of the reverse appliqué type.

I kind of used this tutorial by The Girl By The Sea.   I used my own templates and sewed the backing fabric a bit differently.

I made them 2 weekends ago, up to the stage you see above.  I did the reverse appliquéing, the sewing round the motifs, the sewing up and the turning.  I knew I wanted to sew round the edge, and needed to to close the turning gap, but thought it'd be a 5 minute job.

Here's a bit of a close up of the reverse appliqué.  It's raw edge so it'll fray more but I like the look, it works well with flowers especially.

I added the button to the centre of the flower.

So, that five minute job to topstitch?  Took me bloody hours!  First up was the flower.  I sewed it up.  Missed the turning gap.  Unpick.  Sew up again, missed the turning gap.  I sewed and missed 4 times before I finally gave up and handstitched that damn gap shut.  Fifth time lucky.  Except I used the wrong colour thread.  You know what?  It can stay the wrong colour!

For the hearts, I sewed right through the edge of one of them.  Unpick.  Sew again, massive birds nest on the back.  Third time?  Yep, got it right that time.

The unpicking was made more frustrating by the fact I kepts sewing the topstitch with a tiny little stitch.  I'd sew them both, realise they were wrong, put them to one side, do something else, come back to it, unpick, sew again... all with a stitch length of about 1mm!!

They're done.  Finally.  Never again.  Also this weekend I made a bag for Purse Week at Lemon Squeezy Home.  There was some unpicking with that too, but more about that later.  I couldn't get a decent picture, the light is terrible as England seems to think it's deepest mid-winter... I really hope I can get a good photo next weekend, if not it'll be crap photos for me.

In other news, I ate my own body weight in cake on Friday.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Craft Buds Craft Book Month

Craft Book Month at Craft Buds

As I've been doing my own craft book challenge for quite some time, I thought I should join in the Craft Book Month over at Craft Buds.  I had every intention of making a new project, but the month has just disappeared, however the rules state you only have to have made the project in 2012 so I'm going to submit my Zakka Style projects.
We're only allowed one entry each and I suppose this is cheating a little as I've made 18 projects out of the 24 in the book!  The actual project I'm submitting is my elephant bookmarks as I think they're so cute.
I showed each of my projects on this blog each week of the Sew Along, so I'm not going to bore you with them again, but if you do want to see them all, go here.

Now I just hope I can find the time to visit all of the links to the competition.  I'm writing this on Thursday as I have the day off work to wait for a man to come and fix the boiler.  I've got about a million and one things to do though and really need to get off the computer!  Biscuites for the Macmillan Coffee Morning are baked, washing is washing, kitchen is spotless...  time to sew?

Friday, 17 August 2012

Zakka Style Sew Along week 15 - Elephant bookmark

No, don't worry, you haven't entered a time warp, I was just late on this project!  This is for the Zakka Style Sew Along and although I'm a few weeks late, I've done it anyway!  If you fancy a trip back in time, the link up can be found here.
Zakka Style Sew Along

Not long after starting the sew along, I knew I wouldn't be completing all the projects.  Some didn't appeal, like the patchwork ribbon, others I had no use for - the water bottle holder, and some were just too much, like the quilt.  I missed the elephant bookmarks, but it was one I really wanted to do, so amid my Zakka sewing at the weekend, I decided to whip one of these bad boys up.

I liked the idea of a grey elephant with a dress, so I did a quick measurement and made a small piece of patchwork.  Then on to the ear.  I thought it might be easier to cut the seam allowance using the crocodile scissors (my mind's gone blank, can't for the life of me remember what normal people call them!), and it was.  But it was bloody hard to turn!

And then disaster struck.  See this little elephant here?

This is the back.  Oops.  Such a basic error, but one I make so often!

I was not going to let it beat me though and I cut out another.  I thought I might as well make 2 whilst I was at it.  The red fabric is from the Petit Ecole fat quarters that the lovely Nancy sent me, and the yellow is from a layer cake.  No idea which one.

Here they are waiting for me to give them the gift of sight and sound.

So, I've mentioned I want to improve my photos, so I took a photo of them on a book (Strange Telescopes by Daniel Kalder if anyone is interested!).  I then went into the editing software to play around with them but it mainly ignored me so I gave up.

I know, I am so impatient.  But the elephant isn't bad, is it?

This photo is to prove I really did start again and didn't just finish the one with the seamy backside!

Another Zakka Style SAL completed.  Much Zakkaing has been going on recently so I hope to enter the last few linkies.  Yes, last few, we're nearly done!

Friday, 3 August 2012

Jumping out of that comfort zone

Good morning ladies.  A few posts ago I mentioned that looking in my shop, everything is blue.  At least I think I mentioned it.  If I didn't then I DID think it, but forgot to type it. 
Well anyway, I decided that had to change.  I started with using green on the linen pouch I made, and at the weekend I went for pink.  I'm not a massive pink fan but I do buy pink supplies, I'm not sure why.  I thought I had a load of pink beads but it turns out I don't have that many.  I did have enough to make a set of jewellery though.

OK, so technically that's not jewellery, it's a book mark.  But you could hang it on a chain round your neck or have it poking out of a shirt pocket if you wanted.  I had intended to sew at the weekend, but Mr CA and the girls came home from a trip to Hobbycraft and wanted to make stuff.  The girls did some decopatch, then I let them loose on my beads and they made simple elasticated bracelets.  Mr CA spent most of the time fixing Miss CA's phone, then he made a shamballa bracelet.  There was no way I was missing out on family crafting round the table so the beads came out for me too.

I love the lucite flowers on these earrings.  I think I bought them from a stall on a day out somewhere, I just can't remember where and I wish I'd bought more.  I'm sure I'll find some on line.  Ready for the obligatory glass shot?

I have every intention of improving my photography.  I've bought a book - Photography for Crafters, the one with the really cute felted panda on the cover, and a big flat white sheet.  Now I just have to get a photography "studio" set up and take some pictures.  I've only got a digital camera, but I hope I can improve at least a bit.  The only problem is that the best place to take photos, light-wise, is my craft desk so I have to clear it off to take photos, I'd rather have somewhere permanently set up but it's tough!

The charm necklace is made with some charms I had all mixed up in a big bowl.  They're one of those craft supplies that I often buy with the intention to use them for jewellery, cards, zip pulls, and then completely forget about so it was nice to use some here.

After the girls went home, I started making another necklace and became frustrated that my beads are all just randomly placed in those little clear compartment boxes.  I then spent the next 3 hours putting them in boxes according to colour.  I think OCD took over for a while.

I have some sewing planned for the weekend, wonder if it'll happen this time?

Saturday, 19 November 2011

FSNI - November

Handmade by Heidi

So, last night was FSNI and looking at the sign ups it seems there were 155 of us ladies FSNIing together.  Unlike a lot of the participants, I don't head up to my sewing machine.  I'm always tired on a Friday and I like to spend some time with Mr CA, so for me, it's always handwork on the sofa infront of the TV.  Usually, I don't get much done, this time, I did!

First of all, I finished up the book mark for my nana-in-law.  Her name is Iris so this Iris bookmark was perfect.

I showed you the finished cross stitch in the week, but here it is sewn to it's felt backing.

With a tassle added of course!

Here's a rear view - that's actually purple though it looks quite blue.  The free pattern can be found here.  It's a design by Katherine Martin Tripp and she has loads of freebies, so go and check them out if you're cross-stitcherly inclined.

It didn't take me long to finish, just a running stitch around the edge, so I moved on to making some baby hats.  Brown bear hats from this free pattern, one for my friend's son for Christmas and one for my nephew-to-be.

And panda bear hats from the same pattern for the same two babies.  One of each is size 9 - 12 months, the small brown one is 3 months and the small panda one is new born.

I couldn't find any chunky black wool anywhere, so this is super-chunky.  It's fine to crochet with, but sewing it in is a right pain in the arse.  It's got barely any twist and is a bit like unspun fleece so when you pull hard to sew with it, it breaks.  I got one large ear sewn on, then started the next and it broke, so I unpicked both.  I moved on to the tiny hat and sewed them on with embroidery floss.  I just have to finish the large hat now, but Big Love had finished and although I was half way through House, I wanted to go to bed and finish my book.  I've just read Stolen Innocence by Elissa Wall about her life in a polygamist sect - riveting!

Right then ladies, time to go and see what you all got up to on FSNI, though judging by the fact it's only 9am, I doubt any of you trans-atlantic or antipodean ladies have posted yet as you'll be asleep... Or are you ahead of me in Oz and NZ?  Time zones confuse me!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Fiddly little fractionals

First of all, before I even write anything - I apologise for the quality of the photo!  I had a few minutes to spare before work yesterday so took some things outside to snap some photographs, but I was really rubbish about it.  Firstly, the photos are rubbish, secondly I didn't take very many, forgetting to take photos of several items.

Today's post was going to be about my birthday presents but as I only have photos of a handful, I'm going to delay that one!  One present in particular needs good light so you can appreciate it (my first piece of real art!).

So, instead, I bring you one measly photo of something I've stitched.

This cross stitched iris is destined to be a bookmark from my nana-in-law, Iris.  It's stitched on 14 count Aida and although it looks pretty simple, the entire flower head has about 8 full stitches in it, the rest are fractionals.  Wow, was that fiddly!  I've also used metallic threads in the border which were over stitched over the normal thread, I found them tricky too.

This was from a free pattern but I can't find the link.  The web address is on the pattern so I'll publish the link when I show you the finished bookmark.

There is a back to the pattern, but I think I'm going to back it in felt and add a tassle.  I finished this up on Monday when we got home from my birthday weekend away, then last night I wanted to continue the Yoda amigurumi I'm making.  I started crocheting away, then realised I hadn't used a stitch marker and it was impossible to know where I'd got to with my tight little dcs (scs).  I frogged it and started again but the curly yarn made it impossible, so I cut that bit off and started again.  10 minutes in and guess what?  I'd forgotten to put the stitch marker in!  Duh!  I gave up at that point and sat staring blankly at the TV for half an hour before bed!  I might try again tonight, or I might get on with the next cross stitch I'm doing for Christmas presents.

I've got loads of posts lined up, it's just that the majority are missing a photo or too!  To whet your appetite (or make you decide not to come back for a few weeks), here's what I've got for you:

My birthday presents (mainly crafty / craft-related)
Some Christmas presents I'm halfway through making
Colin and Ellis
A gift bag tutorial
The low-down on the spinning class I went to a couple of weeks ago
Some birthday cards

I think that's it at the moment!  Watch this space...

Thursday, 27 October 2011

finishing up

I'm really not sure what came over me during the super-productive weekend, but I got loads done.  I managed to finish some WIPs.  First up was the Hardanger heart which I blogged about here.  That was the 15th September I see, so this hasn't been a WIP as long as I thought it had.

I backed the apertures with some satiny blue material which came from the cushion covers a relative made for me to match my curtains (back in my pre-sewing days of course!), and made the back in the same material.  For some bizarre reason, I thought the back piece needed to be double sided, so I cut out 3 pieces from the blue and sewed them together (by machine) before turning and stuffing with lavendar.  It was a right bugger getting the lavendar in because of the multiple layers which obviously weren't sewn up at the gap.  Stupid Wendy.

I wish I'd left it as a square shape now.  It will be a birthday present for my mum.

Do you remember this needlepoint bookmark, blogged about here?  That was the 6th August so this one has been a WIP for a long time, especially considering it just needed a back!

Whilst on my hand-stitching bender I folded the edges back and backed it with yellow acrylic felt.  Not bad.  I have since pulled of the little dangling wispy-type bits.

The hand stitching is far from invisible, but it does blend in enough I think.  This will be a Christmas present.  Watch out Allie, I'm coming to get you this month!