Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Coming up in March...


This month is g
oldwork and it just so happens I bought 2 goldwork kits at Harrogate last year, I'm very excited to start work on them.

This month on the Sew Kitschy paper piecing bom is a mixing bowl, I aim to piece this, and do February's cookie jar which I missed.  I need another trivet, then I'll have to think of something else to make it up into.

It's the final month to work on my 
2014 FAL goals.  A quick reminder of what they were:

         1. Restart and finish Crewel Flowers - this should be doable (she says!)

         2. Finish hooking my rug - I can't see this happening
         3.  Finish Jacob's quilt - so close!  This is the one I'm counting on
         4. Sew chair cushions for my dining room - again, I can't see this happening 
         5. Handquilt/machine quilt my And Sew On quilt - I'm taking this out of the running
         6. Finish the wrist warmers I'm crocheting - no excuse for not doing this
         7. Cross stitch the last Silhouettes picture for my dad - unlikely, but I hope to make some         

Something Old, Something New

For my "old" project, I'm pushing on with Jacob's quilt with the aim of getting it finished this month. For the "new", I'm going to try my hand at goldwork. 

Something New for 2014

I learnt to do Soutache in February, but haven't got round to showing you, so this will count.  I hope to try something else too, and of course the goldwork will be in the mix.

A Lovely Year of Finishes

My goal for this one is to quilt and bind Jacob's quilt

Craft Book Sew along

I'm not going to nominate the books I'll use in advance, I'll wait and see what happens.

Rainbow Scrap Challenge

March's colour is teal and aqua.  I am making scrap buckets for each colour, but I lumped all my blues in together, so I'll sit this month out.  Looking at the work and projects of the other people joining in, I'm brimming over with ideas, I hope this continues into 2015!

Smalls SAL

Another cover kit, though I'm also hoping to do some more on Quilty Stitches.

Sampler Along

This month we
 have crewel.  I'll be interested to see what the host is doing for this.  I could join in as I have a crewel sampler that I bought the pattern and wools for a while ago.  It does depend on how I get on with my crewel flowers, my quilty stitches, the new goldwork piece I'll be starting, oh and the major blackwork project I've just started... ooops!


JoJo said...

Good luck!!! I'm currently working on all the Craft Idea photos I've saved.

Sandra :) said...

Get Jacob's quilt done - then concentrate on the other things!

Jasmine said...

You've got some fun things to work on. Something for whatever strikes your fancy, right? Have a great month.

Austysmum said...

Wow! You are so organised! And going to be very busy by the looks of thongs. Off to checkout what the rainbow challenge is all about, sounds intriguing!

Jo Ferguson said...

That's a lengthy list. I noticed that "sleep" wasn't on it. Maybe that was an oversight. Good luck with your finishes. It will be fun to see what you accomplish.

Jane said...

Another interesting month to come. Can't wait

Elizabeth Braun said...

Looking forward to seeing those kits....