Wednesday, 11 January 2017


It is with a feeling of utter devastation that i write this post. My wonderful mum, who was a big part of my crafting life and mentioned often on this blog, she left us yesterday afternoon, completely unexpected.

I miss you so badly already mum. I love you and have always loved you deeply. You were my rock and my best-best friend.


Christine said...

I'm so sorry for your loss

Shirlee Fassell said...

So sorry for your loss. I know she was your sidekick I many of your adventures. Prayers

Sandra :) said...

Oh Wendy - I'm so so sorry - I know how important she was in your life - she really was your partner in (crafting) crime!

Bethany said...

Oh, Wendy. My heart is truly breaking for you. You have my deepest sympathies.

FlashinScissors said...

Wendy, I'm so sad to hear you have lost your mum!

My heartfelt condolences to you at this dreadful time.

I'm so sorry it must be shocking for you, it was so sudden!

My thoughts are with you at this very difficult time.

Barbara x

Christine B said...

Wendy, I am so very, very sorry. I can't put into words how sorry I am. With deepest sympathy. Hugs Christine x

D1-D2 said...

I'm so sorry for your loss Wendy :(

suzan almond said...

Your Mum is STILL your rock - she'll always be there in your memories whenever you need her - talk to her and the answers will come.

elizabethdee said...

My heart goes out to you. So very sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts.

Kerryp77 said...

I'm so sorry to hear this wendy, my thoughts are with you.

frayed at the edge said...

I am so sorry - my thoughts are with you at this sad time.

Ellie Foster said...

Dear Wendy
I am so sorry to hear your news. Thinking about you at this dreadful time.
With sympathy

Rachel said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. I have no words to express my sympathy. Thinking of you.

Cath said...

So , so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you .xxx

Gina said...

I'm so very sorry. I'm sending loads of hugs for you and your family. Please remember that those who we love and loved us never truly leave us. They will always live in our hearts xx

Heather said...

Oh, Wendy, I am so sorry - what a terrible shock for you! So many losses, one after another - my heart goes out to you. I wish there was something I could do to help xx

Cath said...

So sorry to hear your new Wendy. Your Mum sounded a wonderful person and a great support. I hope you are able to find comfort your sewing and crafting.

Starry-eyed stitcher said...

When I read your blog and saw that you always said 'my wonderful mum' I could see what a very special relationship you had with her and how she supported you and shared your projects. You must be totally devastated. I am so very sorry. I wish so much that I had some comforting words to say to you, but we both know that nothing I can say will ease this pain right now. I am reaching out a hand, I hope that helps a tiny tiny bit. Much love Irene xxx

carol fun said...

So sorry for your loss... there is no replacement for your Mother in your heart... I know because mine has been gone for 40 years and there isn't a day that goes by that something doesn't bring her memory to my mind... sending hugs and prayers your way!

Jenny - the lilac cat said...

How desperately sad for you. My heart goes out knowing the tough times you have faced and how much your mum was there for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Celtic Thistle said...

Oh Wendy i am so sorry to read your news my thoughts are with you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I have no words to say how deeply sorry I am, just hugs. Look after yourself.

Chris of UK City Crafter said...

Oh Wendy, I'm so very sorry to hear about your loss. Mums are such special people and it is no surprise that you are bereft without her. Take time out to grieve and be kind to yourself as you do so x

Anonymous said...

So sorry to read your news. So devestating for you. Deepest sympathy. xx

Alison said...

Oh Wendy, how totally devastating. I am so sorry for the loss of your wonderful Mum. Be gentle with yourself, thinking of you, love Alison x

Anonymous said...

Wendy, I join the other ladies, to say how sad I feel for you. Words won't help to ease the pain or loss right now, but I do know what you're going through. My Mum died 31 years ago, and I still think of her, every single day. You had a very special Relationship with your Mum, and were so close. May all the memories of the wonderful times you spent together live on.

Anonymous said...

Deepest condolences to you and your family.

Do not concern yourself with us here. Take every bit of time you need.

Sending a warm, virtual hug to you.

Jo Darby said...

Oh my friend, I am crushed to read of this great sadness. It made me cry and remember when I found my own mother on the kitchen floor, too late. One of the things I admire in you is the perseverance you have shown this past year or so I have been following your blog. Probably the main shock of it all will wane in a few weeks, then comes deep mourning. It's a hell of a place to be but I know absolutely that by putting one foot in front of the other each and every day you will get through it. The pain never truly goes away but it does get easier to bear. I will be thinking of you every day and sending you warm thoughts.

Christine Altmiller said...

I am so sorry Wendy ~ I am keeping you in my warmest, most healing thoughts.

Magpie Sue said...

Oh, what sad, surprising news. I'm so sorry for you. I wish you could feel the hugs that are being offered you through the internet. Wish we could do more to support you during your grief. I know your mom will be irreplaceable in your life.

Fiona said...

So so sorry Wendy, Mum's are so special. Am thinking of you heaps...


Quiltsmiles said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours during this loss. My deepest condolences.

Sarah said...

I am so sad to read this. Sending prayers and hugs your way during this tough time. Xoxo

Jane said...

Oh Wendy, I am so very sorry. I know how important she was to you and how much you did together. It will take a little while, but gather the happy memories you have of times spent with her, they can never be taken away. Lots of love

margaret said...

so so sorry to read about your devestating news about your Mum such a shock to you too as so unexpected, will keep you both in my prayers. Some lovely comments from your blogging friends you are wll loved and in our thoughts.

RobynLouise said...

Condolences on your loss Wendy. Offering cyber hugs and hoping you have many physical friends to support you through this.

RobynLouise xo

Crochet Addict UK said...

I am so sorry for your loss! Our thoughts are with you!

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Oh no.. I am so sorry for your loss... sending you love and prayers xx

margaret said...

Wendy desperately trying to email you but cannot find your address computer letting me down when searching as must have it somewhere, thinking of you and holding you in my prayers hoping you are getting strength from all your friends in blog land.

Sarah in Stitches said...

Oh, Wendy, I am so sorry! I've been trying to catch up with blog posts and so I've only just gotten to this one. I'm incredibly sorry for your loss... Sending you so much love!

Zed said...

So sorry for your loss, Wendy x

Katherine said...

Wendy, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Keeping you in my thoughts and sending hugs and love.

Elizabeth Braun said...

Oh dear, Wendy! I'm so sorry! :(

Allie-oops Designs said...

Oh Wendy - I can't even tell you how sorry I am, I know how much you love your mum, what best friends you are - oh honey how I wish I could be there to cry with you, hug you hard, oh sweetheart I hurt for you. ((((((((((((((((Wendy)))))))))))))))))

Sharon - creativity and family said...

Oh Wendy, I'm so, so sorry. I haven't been about on here much this year but I've just found this post. This is such a hard time for you. I know a little of what you're going having lost my dear Dad very suddenly a couple of years ago. I hope you'll find strength and peace in this hard time. Your mum seemed nearly as much a part of this blog as you as you do often did things together. Sending you so much love and posing for you, friend. Sharon xx

Sheryl said...

Dear Wendy, I´m so very sorry to hear the sad news of your mum´s passing and so unexpectedly. You have mentioned her many times on your blog, so she somehow has seemed part of it too. My thoughts are with you.