Monday, 3 July 2017

A quick note...

Just a quick note to tell you two things:

1. I intended to post today, but Photobucket is playing up and I can't add photos to posts!

2. If you're on Blogger and have embedded comments, I can't comment.  In the comment box is your entire blog post and I can't type!  No idea what's going on there... not sure if it's Blogger or just my computer playing up...

I will try both again tomorrow!


Fiona said...

I think blogger plays tricks on us sometiems... hopefully it will sort out..

margaret said...

do hope this sorts itself all too complicated for me!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I presume that you have worked out that Photobucket is holding us all to ransom with our photos?
You can upload them directly from your desktop if you use a computer. But all your older photos will be lost unless you re-add them. It's taking me ages!