Monday, 13 September 2010

Two and a half hats down

I had big crafting plans for the weekend, I was going to make a colouring folder for my friend's daughter, a couple of bibs for her baby son, knit some little hats for The Big Knit and maybe finally make that much-needed pin cushion.  So what happened?  I woke up with a stinking cold and spent most of the time sitting around feeling sorry for myself!  I did manage to wind some embroidery thread onto cardboard bobbins, but then I ran out.  I vastly underestimated how much embroidery thread I have!

Sunday evening I cut out the bits for the colouring folder and sat down to embroider the little girl in question's name on the front piece.  So I started with a lattice stitch, hated it and ripped it out, then went into long and short stitch, starting in a corner. The plan was to do some colour blending in pink. Except I only have 5 different shades of pink.  Rubbish considering the size of my thread collection!  So I gave up on that and knitted hats for charity instead!  I made 2 and a half before I had to go to bed...

If you want to know more about The Big Knit, click this link: The Big Knit

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi!!! Can't wait to see your finished work!!!
hugz! Barb