*Disclaimer* - there is a slight possibility I might still kill then despite them being made from yarn, after all, if I can kill cactii, I can kill anything...
I've been crocheting flowers.
These little babies are all from 100 Flowers to Knit and Crochet. I just used random bits of yarn I had lying around, such a good use for the tons of yarn scraps I seem to have. I'm happiest with the blue and purple one, the rose (the largest one) didn't come out how I thought it would, I think the petals should be more behind each other, maybe I got the instructions wrong. I have NO idea what I'm going to do with these. Any suggestions?
This little beauty comes from Essential Crochet by Erika Knight (see note below about this book). When I got the book I started flicking through, saw this pattern and started immediately. It took ages! I've used some cheapo acrylic yarn as I had no idea how it would turn out, but I can see doing these in nicer yarn, not that it matters so much for something like this. I attached a pin back on the rear to make it into a brooch. I'll definitely be making more of these.
So, two more craft books used. This is my third entry for this month's Craft Book Challenge.

Eagle-eyed readers may have spotted that I have some new books. Probably not but I'm mentioning it anyway! No, I haven't fallen off the not-buying-craft-books wagon, my mum gave me three books she'd found in various charity shops.
The Knitter's Bible Baby Knits by Laura Long
Essential Crochet by Erika Knight
The New Anchor Book of Blackwork Embroidery Stitches
As you can see, I got to work on the crochet one immediately! I'm not sure if I'll make much use of the knitting bible one, unless some more friends have babies I suppose. The blackwork book looks very interesting and I'll definitely give this a try when my to-do pile goes down a bit more.
Nice flowers!
A few suggestions, any of which you may ignore :).
You could glue a felt circle to the back, leaving an unglued strip through the middle, slide one side of a hair clip through the space and they can be hair decorations.
Pin them to your fabric bags as a removable decoration so you can have variety and also to make it easy to wash the bags.
Buy some thin wire and florist tape and make your own undying bouquet to decorate your house.
Actually the large rose is my favourite - it's sweet! I can't crochet so I traded zipper bags for some delightful tiny crocheted flowers and butterflies from an internet buddy in Ohio - I've started sewing them to my zipper bags! I think they'd also make great brooches, and bling for hair bands and hair clips ... they'd even be cute as a bracelet, or attached to a band of fabric to decorate a basket or clay pot - the possibilities are endless!
Flowers are one of my favorite things to crochet - yours are wonderful! I love to add them to purses or totes, even small ones make nice pins.
I'm making my mom a crochet floral bouquet for mother's day....love purple, btw! New follower, too!
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