1. Rioting
2. LANT Linky highlights
3. Needlepoint, what I plan to do next
5. The Big Knit (crochet) 2011
6. My tassels. I don't mean nipple tassels. I don't have any nipple tassels and if I did, I certainly wouldn't write about it on my blog.
Do you all feel calm and prepared now you know what I'm going to talk about? If you can't be bothered to read it all, please do scroll down to the bottom as the tassel bit is super urgent and super important.
1. Rioting
OK, so starting with the riots. Those of you in the UK can't fail to have missed the news over the last few days, I have no idea if it's been reported on abroad or not. Just in case it hasn't - rioting started in London on Saturday, something to do with a man being shot by the police. It escalated to widespread looting, window smashing, and the burning of cars and buildings. Of innocent people. It's truly, truly disgusting. This morning I heard on the radio that the rioting had spread to Birmingham, Liverpool and Bristol. Then I got to work to a frantic email from my mum, checking I'm OK. Huh? I live in Nottingham. That's when I discovered there was rioting last night in Nottingham - it's just the BBC didn't feel we are worth mentioning (cue angry email to the BBC!). Anyway, this rioting was in St. Anne's, an inner city area right next to, butting up to and sharing a few streets with, Sneinton - where I live. Ladies. I'm scared to go home tonight. I'm really worried about what might happen as apparently we're in for another night of rioting. I felt that the UK had become a third world country economically a while ago when prices from "low cost economies" at work came back more expensive than the cost to produce them here. Now it seems we're not even civilised anymore. Anyway, fingers crossed for me (and the rest of Britain), that the government pulls their fingers out and gets the army into the cities tonight to sort these little pieces of sh*t that are rioting out. Preferably before they burn my house to the ground.
OK, first part of the rant over, more to come - see point 4.
2. LANT Linky highlights
So far I've had 5 lovely people link up to my Learn a New Technique permanent linky. Fantastic! There's still time, about 11 months and 3 weeks, to link up! Anytime you try a new technique or learn something new, come and link up so other people can see what you've learned and hopefully be encouraged to try something new themselves.
So far linking up are:
Sandra, she's tackled the flex frame and won.

Kiwi Gets Crafty who explored finishing techniques to finish up a cross stitch
Nancy who tackled crochet and made some flowers

Mindy at In the Loop who tried her hand at Broomstick Lace

Casey at Plus 3 Crochet who learnt to knit!

Well done ladies! I look forward to seeing who else links up. Need some inspiration? Check out my crafts list for a huge list of crafts to try and my techniques tutorials page for lists of tutorials. I'd love to add to both of these lists, so please leave a comment if you've got or seen a tute you want me to add.
3. Needlepoint, what I plan to do next
I discovered there's more to needlepoint than the tent stitch I did. I need to explore it more. I might give this pattern a go. Thanks to your suggestions on patterns, I found hundreds on about.com.
5. The Big Knit (crochet) 2011
The Big Knit is on again. In aid of Help the Aged, people are asked to donate knitted or crocheted tiny hats to add to drinks bottles. Money is then donated to charity for each of these bottles bought. The hats are tiny so don't take much time, however I knitted them last year and they took me about 30 - 45mins each. I decided that this year, I'd knit one then use it to work out a crochet pattern. I didn't have to, the lovely ladies on Ravelry have already done it!
If you live in the UK and can knit or crochet, please make some of these little hats, they take up hardly any yarn and are a great stash buster. All information can be found here.
6. My tassels. I don't mean nipple tassels. I don't have any nipple tassels and if I did, I certainly wouldn't write about it on my blog.
So not nipple tassels. I bought some tassels to finish the birdhouse cross stitch bookmark I made. I've finished a bookmark for my mother-in-law's birthday on Saturday and wanted to add a tassel. I can't find them anywhere. Has anyone seen them or have I told anyone where I put them? This is URGENT!
Oh, I was supposed to write about the blog award I've been given, but I feel I've shared too much already, I'll do that another day!
Right, I'm off home to worry about rioting and make a voodoo doll to stick pins in - please feel free to join me!
Reporting of rioting. agree, loads of places are being mentioned. I discovered the local papers website was best last night as well as frends on FB to know what was happening locally. There is just too much to mention. I live in the Borough of Lewisham but there was incidents closer to me than mentioned on the news. About a mile away.
Bullying. I've only had one job like this and as a contractor I was able to walk away. Check out things like CAB for details but I believe you need to start by keeping a diary of every single contact you have with this person (with and without people around) and save every email etc. This can then be used if you decide to report him. Your HR might have a policy that you can get hold of as well. If you take him on formally, you would have to do things like ask for someone to be there at every meeting you have with him and to independently assess any work you are doing. Unfortunately the sad truth is that people like this usually get away with it.
Wow, such horrible stuff. I'm so sorry!
Stay safe, and I hope things get better at work. Here's hoping that transfer pulls through soon...
First, I have seen the riots on tv and am in shock this is happening in Britain. My Prayers go out to you and your country.
For tassels, I buy my tassels, also not nipple, ;) at the craft and hobby stores in the home improvement sections,I get the drapery tie backs. I can get the tiny ones perfect for bookmarks there!
Lastly, what is PIF! Wahoo?
Great Post!
The riots are headline news here in NZ too, very scary, my British fiance is glued to the television. Stay safe!
Good luck with the transfer! and thanks for showing off my link up, I think your LANT is such a good idea.
The rioting has reached down-under news... not good... I hope everyone keeps safe..
Just did my linky to needleturn...
good luck with the bully.... I hate that sort of behaviour..
Hmm... A voodoo doll. I may have to join you on that one. You just never know when you may need let go of some passive aggressive feelings by sticking pins in a little doll. LOL... Hilarious!
1. Yes, the rioting is making the news here, and it's scary - they're saying that social media is being used to organize mobs. PLEASE BE CAREFUL. Here, they would have had the water cannons and rubber bullets out already...I can't imagine why they're not doing this for you. I'm saying a prayer tonight for your safety.
2. The projects are GREAT! I'm so on board when I get five minutes!
3. Glad you found some links!
4. Do you have a cell phone? Next time he starts, or before you go into his office, call someone - ask them if they can record it on their answering machine. Leave it on while you're in there, then as you're leaving, let him know you've recorded him. If at all possible, pick up a small voice-activated recorder and USE IT.
5. I don't live in the UK and can't knit.
6. Check the kitchen, and sofa cushions. Or your car.
7. I've been successful so far at avoiding PIF's, lol - and I mean to stay that way!
ha ha ha, nipple tassles! sheesh. you need a comedy break with all that's going on around you. i hope it all finds swift and happy resolution!
I heard about the Nottingham riots yesterday, and tried to get in touch. I hope you are okay -- also your folks.
As for the tosser. I have lived through this. It is horrible. Document. Document. Document. Also, get HR involved as soon as you can. Do not meet with him alone again. Call the tea lady in if you have to. The voice recorder on your cell phone is your friend. I wish I had the technology when this was happening to me. Wendy, don't let this FH hijack your life. When you go to HR, make sure you ask for employee assistance to stress. This usually lights a fire under them. Good luck, and stay safe!
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