Sunday, 13 November 2011

tiff and harry

When I thought I was going to China with work, I took some photos of the bunnies in the garden so I'd have something to post.  They've been sitting in my draft's folder for ages so I thought I'd publish them any way.  By the way, I will be going to China, but not til next year now.  For a start, I can't go now as I would be able to eat anything.  The yeast intolerance means I can't have soy sauce!

Here's Tiff sniffing the underside of the bench support.  Why?  No idea.

And examining the garden bin (this is not the bin that was stolen!)

Yep, definitely seen this before...

Look mum, look how cute I am!

Hmm... I'm sure I saw Tiff round here, I'll see if I can pick up her trail...

Harry considering having a bit of old curtain (covering the other rabbits' hutch) for lunch.

Then deciding to just have a sniff instead.  Harry is really hard to get photos off.  He runs away from the camera unless he's concentrating on something else.  Like sniffing bricks.

On a completely different subject, I forgot to tell you about the comment I had on my blog a few weeks ago.  It was from a certain women's dress company that has been having giveaways on practically every blog in blogland (overkill?) offering me the chance to do a giveaway of some of their jewellery on my blog as apparently they "love" my blog.  Hmm.  They love it so much that they've clearly never read it as the offer was for US residents only!  Why would a UK crafter host a giveaway for US residents only?  We get the short end of the stick often enough as it is (there are loads of US giveaways for US residents only, but did you ever see a giveaway that was for UK residents only or German residents only?!?), why would I encourage that?  And how exactly does this particular dress company fit with my blog - I don't think I've ever mentioned how I dress, except for the felt poppy post!!  OK, mini-rant over (wasn't a very good rant was it?  I'm quite cheerful today for some reason, don't know if it's my advanced age today).


The Dotty One said...

Awww - these are so cute. I love rabbits. I had one when I was younger but my he made my asthma and allergies really bad and in the end my Dad had to do most of the looking after him. No furry pets for me now :o(

Gill said...

Great pics of your bunnies!
I know what you mean about US giveaways for US only!!!!

faith76 said...

what a pair of cutey bunny rabbits x

Joysze said...

They're too cute!!! Just wanna cuddle them up.

Hmm... that giveaway sounds shady...