Sorry ladies, it's more Zakkaing again today! I know, change the record Wendy. I will, soon!
This week's project was a picture frame by Ayumi of Pink Penguin. The picture did look sweet in the book. In reality? Not so much.
The supplies listed called for chipboard. Not having a dedicated woodwork room in my house, I went with thick cardboard instead. There was very little machine sewing involved, I pieced two strips of scraps, then it was hand sewing as shown below.
I didn't have any ric rac, so I used a lacy ribbon instead. I wish I'd left it off. It looks stupid and only accentuates the fact that the frame does not fit on the backboard.
See? Doesn't that look crap? I'm not sure how it happened. Maybe my rubbish measuring skills but I'm not happy with it.
If you want to see a much better version of this frame, visit this week's host Anna at Noodlehead, and to see many much better versions, go and visit this week's link up.
If anybody wants me, I'll be in a corner sobbing as I attempt to make a clasp purse and failing miserably (failing miserably at the purse making, not the sobbing. Sobbing I can do)...
Awwww don't be sad about it! I think it came out great to be honest. We really are our own worst critics. We see every flaw and mistake - it's like they stand out like neon beacons to us. But I think you did a great job on it.
The clasp purse beat me too! I really didn't enjoy the sewing - the pieces were small and there were inset type seams - my hands don't work well with fiddly. Then there was just no way I could get the bag into the frame - that was the hard part! I finally gave up in frustration and Nancy finished it for me in about 3 minutes flat, LOL!! I have a couple of bigger frames to try and I might be more successful with them, but despite my love of those cute little bags, I won't be making any more of them!
Ah Wendy, I think it's cute! Don't you go sobbing into a corner....I'll have to pull you out...
No...not sobbing! Practice, practice, practice! It gets easier, I promise!
I think your little frame looks cute!
Bellissima e molto originale la tua cornice, una buona idea da copiare. Baci
Would a hug make you feel less like sobbing? Or would it help to know that you're not the only one that has projects that get the better of them? ;o) Believe me, you ARE NOT ALONE. lol
I think you're brilliant and downright funny, too, my friend. So no need to sob. Just "keep calm and carry on". ;o) or as my sons like to tease me..."keep calm and get your seam ripper, Mom". lol
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