Saturday, 8 July 2017

Cross stitch bird in tree

This little kit is on my 17 kits in '17 list.  It is, despite it now being July, the only thing that I have touched this year from the list!

I had made a mistake on the border, about halfway through, so I had to do quite a lot of unpicking to sort it out!  You can see the mistake in the photo above, the left hand side of the top line.  I was going to leave it but it bugged me, so out it came!

The stitching is now finished... now to make it up into a pincushion.  I think I'll schedule that for 2021 at my current rate!!


Cath said...

Don't beat yourself up too much about not getting on with your 17 in '17. This is what you do to make yourself happy after all and you're allowed to change your mind what you want to work on. It's a tough decision to take stitching out but if it still bugs you some time after you spotted, reverse stitching is the way to go. Well done on sticking with it :-)

Pamela said...

This turned out very nice!

Catherine - Hillview Embroidery said...

It is a very pretty design! I love the simple red on that fabric, very classic. And you are right to unpick something if it bugs you. You would never have been happy with it otherwise!

margaret said...

looks good, I did not spot the error but know once you had seen it it would stick out like a sore thumb every time you looked at it, will make a pretty pincushion one day

Jane said...

a finish is a finish :) even if it's just the stitching. I really must do something with all my stitched pieces!

Rachel said...

I didn't get to anything on my list for 2017 until July, either, so not to worry! And finishing the embroidery certainly counts as "Significant Progress"...

Anonymous said...

Sweet little pattern!

Sarah in Stitches said...

Great stitching! :D

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

This is a sweet little prim Quaker design. Nice colour choice too.

Brigitte said...

I do love this little bird sitting in the tree. A lovely project, Wendy.

Sheryl said...

Lovely little design Wendy


This is so sweet Wendy. Like you if I make a mistake I have to unpick it and redo it. It will make a lovely Pincushion or maybe a Needle Book Cover as it would be a shame to stick pins in it