Thursday, 14 February 2019


Good morning all!  I disappeared there for a bit.  I've been having some health problems since I quit smoking before Christmas (thought quitting smoking was meant to be good for you!!) and it's completely sapped my motivation to blog, craft, or really do anything...  I have managed to conquer it on occasion though, so thought I'd show you what I've been up to.

Work has continued on my craft studio.  I put up some shelves.  They had been in my old craft room and I felt like they needed painting.  I painted them the same colour as my floor, and then, just for the hell of it, stencilled the bottoms!  I LOVE them!  No, the stencilling isn't very obvious, unless you're sitting down or short.  I am short so it's a win for me.  Since this photo, I have done more.  I'll do a post about this soon.

Silversmithing class continues and I have been playing with some domed circles in copper, silver and a teeny tiny one in gold from my mum's wedding ring.  

This comes out now and again.  A pretty piece of fabric, some teal and pink threads, doing what I fancy.  I haven't worked on it much recently due to the ill health and have instead been either crocheting (post coming soon!) or working on a small cross stitch I started.

I'm starting to feel slightly better, so I'm hoping to be back properly soon!  

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