Week 4 for the Skill Builder QAL was a bit of a surprise. Leila decided we were to design and make our own blocks! The first part was to draft some block ideas. Mine are below. The four colours are meant to represent the Bliss fabrics I was planning on using. I have no idea if these blocks are existing blocks, they might well be commonly used blocks with names but if they are, I didn't know, this is what came out of my head.

With the half square triangles sewn together (correctly in the end!), I laid them out to check it would work.
Does it? I don't know! Ah well, sew them up anyway.
Ta da! Some of the points on the pinwheels are better than others, but my square blocks all matched up pretty well.
I know what I'm going to do with this block. I'm going to make a few more in Bliss fabrics, then I have a "master plan".
I have got over 400 blog posts to read as I went away for a long weekend. A friend recently got married in Australia and she'd come back to England with her Aussie husband for a few weeks. They had a little wedding reception which was great fun, then we went on a horse drawn narrow boat! That was pretty good fun. No photos, I hate taking photos so I generally don't bother!! I did manage to get a bit of charity shopping in, I was eager to see what Charity shops "down South" are like and I picked up two craft books. I know I'm not supposed to be buying any more craft books, but at a pound each, who can resist? I don't have them to hand to tell you the titles, but one is a book of cross stitch motifs which also includes sections on drawn work and cut work etc. The other is about crochet lace so I'm looking forward to getting stuck into them.
Wow, that was boring wasn't it? Remind me not to write about my life again as it's dull!
The quilt looks lovely!
I couldn't email you from your comment as you suggested, so if you can email me re the solar system kit that'd be great!
ansnagbreac at gmail dot com
Your block looks pretty! I tend to cut blocks bigger than I need then trim them down to size - it helps make points and intersections match :D
Also - remember - every person that sews ... has sewn fabric together the wrong way at least once or thirty-seven times!
Your are performing great on your skill builder challenge!
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