OK, last round up post. This one covers a number of challenges, most of which I've already bored you with so won't repeat!
I was a late-comer to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, missing January's blue, though I did actually catch up with that one. This month was pink. I made the following blocks as leaders and enders as I was piecing Jacob's quilt so I'm really chuffed! All the patterns are tutorials by So Scrappy who is hosting the challenge.
I'm planning on using this challenge each month to make more scrap buckets. January's was blue, and I made a QAYG panel. The pink bucket will be the same dimensions, incorporating these 5 blocks (the last one isn't finished yet). For future months I may make giant blocks, more small ones or make an improv panel, I'll see how I feel each month.
I'm hoping Orange isn't until December as I have very few orange scraps. The block above started off as a bowtie block, but following some wrong sewing and trimming, I realised I'd messed up and didn't have the scraps to redo it, so I improvised this block.
One thing I noticed as I was putting these blocks together is how much my accuracy is improving. OK, some of you will look at my points (and the dodgy fabric combo above!) and wince, but I have come a long way. Practice seems to work so I should keep improving.
I'm now just waiting for March's colour to be announced so I can get going... oh, I should probably turn this one into a scrap bucket first!
I succeeded in joining in with the Craft Book Sew Along. I submitted my "Wild" Tiles necklace...
And my Peyote stitch sampler bracelet.
Each person is only allowed two entries or I would have also submitted my project from Mini Eco.
The Smalls Sew Along was conquered early on in the month in a rare fit of being organised.
I made this cross stitch on wood hanging thing from a cover kit.
I did try something New to Me in 2014, but I haven't posted about it yet, so I'm going to save it for March. I can't really count it here, so that was a failure.
Another failure was the Sew Kitschy BOM, not the pattern, but me making it, as in, I didn't. Ah well, next month!
Good grief, you're involved in a lot of challenges! I love your little scraps and can't wait to see what you make with them :D
Just donĀ“t know how you find time to do all the lovely things you make. Must have a secret:-)
What pretty blocks! I love pink, these are lovely! As are all your other makes here, busy bee! Chrissie x
Very pretty pink fabrics. And I love your bead work!
Beautiful blocks !!!! And jewelry !
Have a nice weekend !
Hi Wendy, thanks for your message. Lovely work as always, such pretty colours.
Lovely work as always. Pretty colours.
Such lovely work as always.
I still think that's loads. I have some orange scraps you can have if you're short!
Loving the pink items!
Love the pretty colours of the wild tiles necklace.
I love the variety in your makes. Your jewellery all looks great and the blocks are lovely :)
Your pink blocks are awesome. I love the pink fabrics you used. It appears you are busy crafting and I am sure that is so much fun.
I have enjoyed your round-up posts and seeing all the great things you have created this month.
February was a very pink and blue month for you ;) I don't know how you keep track of your Alongs and Challenges - I start getting nervous if I'm following more than 1 or 2 :D Love the fabrics in that first block - they go so well together!
Lots of lovely things here, I particularly like the stitching on wood
Great pink blocks!
Practice is definitely the key. I have a sampler quilt in my bedroom, and I've come a long way from when I made it. It's good to see how much easier it becomes. You'll enjoy doing the scrap challenge. I've got some lovely quilts and things out of it over the years
The combo of pink and orange is just so lovely! Pretty projects!
WOW! You've got a lot going on here. Love it all in particular your very cute pink blocks.
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