Thursday 15 March 2012

naughty giraffe and well-behaved elephant

Good afternoon everyone.  Well, I'm having a week and a half again!  I'm really behind on blog reading and emails so if you feel I've been ignoring you, I haven't!  Remember I told you I'd crashed my car into the gatepost at work?  Well, it started making a horrible rattling, clunking sound.  It gradually got worse, then driving home from work last night it was really loud and the car kept suddenly swerving one way or the other.  I was terrified but carried on home.  I took it to the garage this morning and it turns out I've snapped my wheel bearings (or something like that) and my wheel was falling off!  I can't believe I was driving it around.  So, I came to work on the train and will be going home on the train.  I quite enjoyed it as they served me coffee and I got to read my book!

All this lack of free time (working too hard again), means I've got loads of stuff lined up to show you.  I still haven't finished showing you Jacob's presents, so here's another one.

Actually, that one was destined to be a present but is now in the bin.  It was a pattern in UK magazine Making, but is an extract from a book, I can't remember which one.  The giraffe is as small as he looks and the next thing I had to do was sew two tiny little circles (less thank 2" diameter) to the bottom of each leg.  Hmm.  It didn't happen.  It was never going to happen.  I gave in and scrapped it.  Yes Sandra, I know you're proud!

This little fella was made from a pattern by Retro Mama.  You may remember I used her pattern to make my bunnies?  I was lucky enough to be in a swap of sorts with Retro Mama, I sent her a UK magazine in which she'd featured and she sent me my choice of two of her patterns.  I think I won out in that swap!  Her patterns are fabulous, really worth the money, especially right now when they're discounted for a limited time.

This elephant is called Brian and has joined Gunther and Pedro at Jacob's house.  I used a Tanya Wheelan FQ of the spotty fabric (won in a giveaway from Eternal Maker via The Sewing Directory - how lucky am I??) for his body, and as a contrast fabric I used the same fabric I made his trousers with.  Jacob's trousers, not Brian's.

I see more Brian's in my future.  Let's just hope there are no more gateposts.


Pam @Threading My Way said...

What a gorgeous little elephant!!! Watch out for any more gateposts...

Allie said...

OH MY GOSH I'm glad you're safe, that's so dangerous, Wendy! Wow. Glad you binned the giraffe - I would have too - and I am totally, completely smitten with Brian. LOVE him.

ElisabethAndrée said...

I love little animals like your elephant! He is so cute:)

Celtic Thistle said...

Oh dear sounds like your car came off very badly in its altercation with the gatepost. Good job you were able to get it to the garage before you did yourself some serious damage. I love the elephant, he is just crying out to be cuddled! Think you made the right decision with the giraffe, some things just seem better in theory than in practice :)

Lisa said...

ouch.glad your ok!! naww cutests little elephant :D

Pradeepa said...

Wow, your Brian is so cute!

Debbie {Visual Eye Candy} said...

So cute! I might need to make one for my little girl, adorable!

Meeha Meeha said...

Simply adorable! And I admire the way you stuffed it and sewed it perfectly! Visiting from Making the World Cuter :)

Katie said...

totally cute!
You should join me for Handmade 52 at htttp:// said...

You have such cute projects! I'm a new follower and would love to have you stop by my brand new blog and follow, too:)

Tamsyn said...

I love this little elephant, he's s cute :)

Nicole said...

That elephant is so adorable!

tobecontinued said...

I love this! I need to make some little baby shower gifts- this is good inspiration!

Unknown said...

Cute Elephant! Fun present.
~Amy @ Permanent Kisses

Misty @Creative Itch said...

I'm IN LOVE with that cute elephant!! That pattern just went on my 'wish list'!

Thanks for sharing @'Sew Cute Tuesday'. I'll be featuring you tomorrow, so be sure to stop by and grab a 'featured' button!

The Dotty One said...

Sorry, I feel like I'm bombarding you with comments but just had to say the elephant is fab!

And glad you are safe - the car damage sounds a bit scary so glad you realised before anything worse happened.

Jess said...

Oh my goodness that is the cutest elephant ever!! So glad I found your blog...LOVE IT!

Jess from A Winding Road