Sunday, 12 March 2017

Mellerstain Parrots #6

Another three weeks has passed since I showed my progress on this piece. It has been a very busy 3 weeks and I've barely had time to pick up my needle. As you'll see.  So this is where I was:

And this is what I've stitched:

Yep, that dark bit on his head.  

Yep, that's all.

So here's our overview now!

I'm stitching along as part of a SAL where we all work on our WIPs, you can go and see what the other participants have been up to here:

If you'd like to join in, please contact Avis


Anonymous said...

Don´t give up! There will be days when you have more time to stitch!!!

Rachel said...

Any progress is better than none!

Anonymous said...

You managed to pick up the needle and got something done, so that's good....slow progress is better than no progress :)

Anonymous said...

Your stitching is beautiful!

Catherine - Hillview Embroidery said...

All progress is progress Wendy! I do love the parrots. You've stitched it so neatly and well.

Anonymous said...

Little by little, you'll get there. It's a lovely project :-)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Any progress is better than no progress! Your filling stitches are so neat, not sure what the correct name is - long and short?

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

What a beautiful piece.Your are a few stiches nearer to a finish:)

Kate Chiconi said...

Half the battle is actually picking up the needle to do something with it. A lot of times I look at the frame and think "No, I don't have enough time to do anything meaningful" but actually if I only did 10 stitches each time i thought that, I'd be a lot further on! You're doing fine, and the parrot is looking great!

Christine B said...

At least you were able to fit in a few stitches Wendy and they look gorgeous! Christine x

margaret said...

you might have only done a little on this piece but every stitch done is one less to do and when completed you are going to have a wonderful crewel work picture

Anonymous said...

at least you did some stitching and we can see the progress ^^

Cindy said...

Any stitches are progress. Looks great. Hope you get more stitching time in the future.

D1-D2 said...

Progress is progress :)

Jane said...

it's progress and you're a few stitches closer to the finish, so it's all good

Rachel said...

Wow, this is really beautiful. You're a very talented stitcher, and I love this design. Every little stitch is good progress!:)

Sarah in Stitches said...

Every little bit counts! I'm loving this project :D